Sunday, January 08, 2017

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Out In The Cold Again"

Hey pallies!
How's thins'?
Enjoyin' Dino-Winter Season 2017?

Is there a CRAZY blizzard where you there is here?!
Yup...plenty of white stuff fallin' this time, pals.

O biggie.
I got my Dino-tunes to keep me warm!
Little tequila too...hahaha!!!

No problem!

Stayin' warm was never so damn cool, my friends! Ha!

Dean ALWAYS gets thins' heated...even durin' a storm... & today's Serenade is gonna show youse EX ACT LY what I mean!

Grabbed this wintery classic off my own personal FAVE snowy al b um...Dino's "Winter Romance".

"Out in the Cold Again", may sound chilly.
It may sound FROSTY!
Man o might even sound "face first in the snow, FREEZIN'"!!! Haha!!

But believe me, pallies...this tune is SURE to makes youse feel ALL comfy cozy & so so snuggly inside!
Yes, mam!

Bet youse didn't think youse could be warm & cool at the EXACT same time, huh?! Haha!!

Well, pals...that's the Dino-Winter Season magic!

Never underestimate our pal amongst pals, mi amici!
He's got ALL the tricks up his sleeve to gets the pep in your snowy step! Ha!

OK, pals o mine...grab a seat...your FAVE spot...get a drinky...your FAVE concoction...& press "PLAY".
It's time to settle in for a long...cold...Winter.'s only 71 days 'til Spring!
We got this, my friends!


(Out in the cold)
The song that you sang so sweetly
You called it our love refrain
It's gone and I'm left completely
Out in the cold again

I dreamed that our love would linger
But just memories remain
As I gaze at that ringless finger
Out in the cold again

True it hurts my pride to step aside for somebody new
But deep down inside my whole world depended on you
I wanted your arms around me
To shelter me from the rain
But now I'm back where you found me
Out in the cold again

(True it hurts my pride to step aside for somebody new)
(But deep down inside my whole world depended on you)
I wanted your arms around me
To shelter me from the rain
But now I'm back where you found me
Out in the cold again
Out in the cold


  1. True words Danny! I'm even feeling the chill down south yonder my way!

  2. Likewise, Ed, Pallie...woke up to a CHILLY 19 degrees in Texas. This pallie ain't use to the stuff! Thanks for the GREAT selection Danny-O!
    George the Greek

  3. After talking to a friend in New Bedford I was told that winter has arrived in New England and in a big way. Even way down here in Florida it was pretty chilly the last two days but still better then up north. So it esp fitting to listen to this song today. A great selection considering the weather everywhere Danny G.! I hope you manage to stay warm and don't hurt yourself shoveling.

    Have a nice week.


  4. Perfect Dino tune for the brutal cold snap we're having here in the DC area!

  5. Hey pals...we're all in this one together! haha!! Dean will help keep thins' sizzlin'!
    Glad the Dino-croon helped!
