Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Dean Martin by Deanager Mr. Landon McNew

Image result for LANDON MCNEW

Hey pallies, well likes we gotta 'fess up that today's Dino-devotion for our annual salute to our most beloved Dino tagged "Giving Dino Thanks" ain't what we had planned to share, but we are totally totally thrilled to have made the change in Dino-direction and what we had planned to share will still see the light of day sometime soon here at ilovedinomartin.

Likes what caused us to share somethin' different?......A comment shared on Danny G.'s most recent Sunday Serenade With Dino by a true Deanager  tagged Mr. Landon McNew.  Mr. McNew left us some patter of appreciato for the Dino-action here sayin', "Great song! It's great to know that there are people who appreciate and love Dean as much as I do. I truly believe Dean will live on forever."  In addition Landon reported that "Earlier I created a piece of artwork of Dean smiling. Check it out: For the Good Times."

And, likes as you will see below,  nouveau hipster Landon's artistic expression is fantastically fabulouso!!!!  Likes what coulda be more awesomely appropriate durin' our festival of Giving Dino Thanks that sharin' 'nother youthful  Dino-devottee usin' their great gifts, their tremendous talent as their ubber unique, wonderful way of givin' their personal thanks to our Dino.  It always beautifully brightens our Dino-spirits to brings all youse Dino-philes deeply delightful Dino-devotion of the artistic sort and even more so when it comes from 'nother of today's youth which has caught the Dino-spirit!

As you will note below, Mr. Landon McNew goes by the tag "Jatasgo" at the blog tagged "Deviant Art" and if you clicks on the tag of this blog post you will see his art at his home pad.  Likes, we are awesomely appreciative of Mr. McNew sharin' his perfectly powerful passion for our most beloved Dino through his recent patter here at ilovedinomartin as well as through spreadin' his amore for our Dino through usin' his artistic gifts.  We certainly hope that Deanager  Landon will continue to drop patter here at our humble little Dino-pad as well as coolly create more Dino-images for our viewin' pleasure!

btw pallies, likes we were just doin' a little google searchin' and discovered that Mr. Landon McNew has his own web pad,"McNew Art"....checks it out HERE dudes!

We remain,

Thankfully yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin by Jatasgo

♫Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime♫


  1. Awesome art, pallie! Keep it comin'!

  2. What a wonderful looking drawing of Dean, there is no question this person has talent! Thank you DMP for this great post.

    Have a great day,


  3. Hey pallies, likes Dino-holics Danny-o, Eddy-o, and Scotty-o, we couldn't 'gree more with your observations of Mr. McNew's terrific talent and deep devotion to our Dino. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino pallies!
