Monday, November 21, 2016

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Thanksgiving radio show 1948

Hey pallies, likes we thoughts as we begins celebratin' our season of Giving Dino Thanks, we woulda do a bit of searchin' of the ol' ilovedinomartin archives for past Dino-thankin'-grams and we discovered in 2014 we shared a  post of  a youtube clip of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis doin' Elgin (watches)  "7th Annual (and last)  All-Star Thanksgiving Show on November  25, 1948.

Dino opens the show coolly croonin' "Rambling Rose" and moves into an amazin' comedy routine with Jerry that then flows into our great man and Jerry singin' "That Certain Party Of Mine" which closes out their segment.  Likes as we listen to this historic and hysterical dozen or so minutes of purely perfect Martin and Lewis it truly truly does makes us ever more grateful for our Dino's multifaceted talents as entertainer extraordinaire and for the purely powerful partnership he shared with Mr. Lewis for a full decade.

As our special week of Giving Dino Thanks is now upon us, we are delighted to have been able to locate and share these marvelous moments of Dino-delight from Thanksgiving 1948.  

We remain,

Yours Dino-thankfully,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Thanksgiving radio show 1948

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis appear on the Elgin 7th Annual All-Star Thanksgiving Show 11-25-48, hosted by Don Ameche.


  1. Man o THATS entertainment, pals! Great clip! Thanks for sharin', DMP!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes as you often sez, the pleasure is all ours pallie! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. A wonderful looking find DMP, is there any better pair then Dean and Jerry welcoming in Thanksgiving!? Thank you for this wonderful pre turkey day treat!

    Have a great week.


  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, likes of course you are right on the Dino-mark dude...the world never has, never will see anythin' like this couple. Dino and Jerry made marvelous magic together! How's your 'puter problemo comin'? Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
