Tuesday, October 04, 2016

"It's All About Dino"

Hey pallies, likes we are perfectly powerfully pleased to keeps potently puttin' the accent on our most beloved Dino as swingin' spyster Matt Helm for days and days and days to come.  If we have a special day in Dino-history to share and/or important Dino-news surfaces, we will be sure to interrupt the Helmer action, otherwise it all forces ahead for a Matt Helm extraordinary extravaganza of purely pleasurable posts!

Likes today and for the next3 days followin' we are deeply deeply delighted to renew our Dinopalliedom with a most interestin' and intriguin' blogger who tags himself "Eegah!! and Tabonga! and hangs his hat at the beautifully  bodacious blog, "The Dwrayger Dungeon - Where it's 13 O'Clock on the 13th Floor!  - A Cyclopedia of the Wild 'n' Weird Side of Movies & TV."  Likes all us Dino-holics knows that our most beloved Dino is wildly wonderful as Matt Helm, but certainly not weird...'though we suppose that some naysayers would sez that.

Anywho how did our Dino gets 4 Helmer reviews at this powerful provocative and energetically evocative blog?  Well, way back on the 8th of August in the year of our Dino 2008 we share Eegah!! and Tabonga! first Dino-accented post on one of our fav Dino and Jerry silver screen classics, "Scared Stiff" HERE and encouraged this swell fella at that point  to be welcomed into the world of Matt Helm, and eventually over the course of a number of years, Eegah!! and Tabonga! ravely reviewed on four of these Dino-epics.

We briefly shared his wise words on Helmer uno, "The Silencers"  HERE, also in 2008, and then simply lost track of him, but recently returned to his blog and found to our deep Dino-delight that since our departure he had completed all four remarkable reflection.  So, today we, with a greatly grateful Dino-heart begin our series of potent postin's of Eegah!! and Tabonga! huge homages to our one and only Dino as Matt Helm.

We are entirely enraptured with how Eegah!! and Tabonga! tagged his prose and pix entry of "The Silencers" swankly sayin' "It's All About Dino."  Likes, of course, truth be told, that powerful phrase coulda be said 'bout all four of the Helmer silver screen epics.  And, likes we are over the top, to the moon with how this obvious Dino-phile begin's his reverent remarks...""The Silencers" is not really a 'monster movie', but it looks fantastic, has hot music, is crazy, cool, has psychotronic elements and Dean Martin! What else do you want or need? And besides all that, we needed some color, damnit! Dino as Matt Helm is casual, calm and he's collecting every man's dream!!" Likes need we say more?!?!?!...we think not.

And, likes, of course, we are totally totally thrilled that this fabulous fella also gave ilovedinomartin the nicest of nice nod when he said, " For anything and everything else you want to know about Dean Martin, please head on over to our new pal's pad,  I Love Dino Martin!!!"  We simply wishes that we had gotten 'round much sooner to share all of Eegah!! and Tabonga! delightful Dino-efforts with youse!

So pallies, faithfully forge 'head and enjoys wise words and stunnin' screen caps by Eegah!! and Tabonga! cooly celebratin' our one and only Dino as the one and only swingin' spyster Matt Helm in "The Silencers."  We sends out our total thanks to fellow Dino-holics Eegah!! and Tabonga! for his energetic efforts in the coolest of cool causes...our most beloved Dino!  Checks back tomorrow for our pallies tremendous take of Helmer duo, "Murder's Row."

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

THE SILENCERS - Dean Martin-Elmer Berstein-Vicki Carr - "It's All About Dino" (1966)

"The Silencers" is not really a 'monster movie', but it looks fantastic, has hot music, is crazy, cool, has psychotronic elements and Dean Martin! What else do you want or need? And besides all that, we needed some color, damnit! Dino as Matt Helm is casual, calm and he's collecting every man's dream!! For anything and everything else you want to know about Dean Martin, please head on over to our new pal's pad,  I Love Dino Martin!!! In the meantime, here's the lowdown on tonight's feature! Forgive me if I didn't use your favorite picture, this movie just had too many shots to choose from!!

Cyd Charrise sings the title song from "The Silencers"!! Well, actually Vicki Carr is the one who is singing. Cyd mimes the title song from "The Silencers!" The music was written by Elmer Berstein and the lyrics were written by Mack David!!

There's a series of short pop standards sung by Dino in this opening dream sequence with parody lyrics provided by Herbert Baker. It's like, you know, "Like Dreamsville, Man!" (Not to be confused with the terrific blog up there in the links by the same name!)

Dino and the stunning Daliah Lavi as Tina, and/or Cowboy at the Slaymate club and we get the treat of hearing "Santiago" by Sarita played by Cyd and/or Vicki, again written by Berstein and David!

A pensive moment with Dino and Tina!

Man, look at Matt Helm go into action, chop, chop! Take that sucker!! Custom cars in the movie including Matt's station wagon courtesy of The real Boss, George Barris!!!

Stella Stevens looks fantastic through the whole movie. She's gorgeous and hilarious and has a range of facial expressions beyond belief. I captured a ton of photos and she looks great in all of them, no matter what she's doing!! Her and Dean work great together!

The "backward gun trick" is funny, and even though they do it like four or five times in a row, you'll laugh every time!!

If Victor Buono had just a little more makeup on, he would have been a lot scarier! Oh, man, what a drag, Dino got dirty!!!

Matt Helm rocks!!! Now we gotta try and find a copy of "The Ambushers!"

Posted by Eegah!! and Tabonga!


  1. Of course this is one of Deans all time great movie series and i can see why so many people loved them. A great read DMP!


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, you sez it correctly dude....Dino as swingin' spyster Matt Helm is the greatest of great! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino
