Saturday, September 17, 2016

Jerry Lewis rides a high wheel. Dean Martin lends a hand.

Hey pallies, likes recently through the efforts of our pallies at the blog search engine "Twingly" we for the first time laid our eyes on a fantastic photo of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis.  From the blog "Rides A Bike" is the coolest of cool candid of our Dino tryin' to help Mr. Lewis balance himself on one of those big wheel/little wheel bicycles....which when we just did a little google search discovered is popularly tagged a penny-farthing.

 Likes the looks on our Dino and Mr. Lewis' faces are priceless....the kind of looks that helped make this comedic couple the great comedy team in all of history.   We ain't go a clue as to the what, when, where or how of this most most interestin' image, but likes perhaps some of youse Dino-holics have info to share...if so, please do!

 ilovedinomartin salutes the blogger at "Rides A Bike" for sharin' this incredibly intriguin' image of Dino and Jerry with his readers.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.

Jerry Lewis rides a high wheel. Dean Martin lends a hand.

Jerry Lewis rides a high wheel. Dean Martin lends a hand.


  1. A wonderful looking find DMP, it is always great to see something that is new to me.

    Have a great weekend.


  2. Haha! Priceless pic indeed, pal!
