Sunday, September 18, 2016

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "We'll Sing In The Sunshine"

Hey Pallies! How's thins'?
pals. Just a cold.
me in such a crumby mood, mi amici!
Sore throat & sneezin'...chills, coughin' & weezin'! Yuck!
Oh well...guess that's how it goes. Cold season is back!

Obviously...MANY Dino-jams fit the bill...But...this one has GOTS to take me to a "special" place. Make me forget ALL 'bout this silly cold!
Thinks I know right where to look! Dino's 1964 al b um, "The Door Is Still Open To My Heart", is LOADED with these type jams!
 Let's see now....hmmmm

Uh huh!!! Gots it, pallies!!!
The PER FEC TO...COLD KILLIN'...FEVER BREAKIN' croon! "We'll Sing In The Sunshine" will pack me with more happy feelins' than ALL the Vitamin C a fella could take! Haha!!
Who needs chicken soup when youse gots Dino?!
Am I right, pals?!
It's like a "cure all" for the soul!
OK, ol' friends o' mine...while I'm busy fightin' virus...I want youse guys to just sit back & soak in this SOOTHIN' remedy.
It's SURE to scare away all those funky little germs & get youse back to that "sunshinin" state of mind!

We'll sing in the sunshine
We'll laugh every day
We'll sing in the sunshine
And I'll be on my way.

I will never love you
The cost of love's too dear
But though I'll never love you
I'll stay with you one year.

We can sing in the sunshine
Oh, we'll laugh every day
We'll sing in the sunshine
And I'll be on my way.

I'll sing to you each morning
And kiss you every night
But darling don't cling to me
I'll soon be out of sight.

And we can sing in the sunshine
Yeah, we'll laugh every day
We'll sing in the sunshine
And I'll be on my way.

My daddy he once told me
Love can kill a man
Just take what woman give you
And give just what you can.

And you can sing in the sunshine
You'll laugh every day
You'll sing in the sunshine
And be on your way.

And when our year has ended
And I have gone away
You'll often speak about me
And this is what you'll say.

We sang in the sunshine
You know we laughed every day
We sang in the sunshine
Since he went away...


  1. I'm sorry to hear you have a cold Danny G., summer colds can be tough. Hopefully you will be feeling better in no time. It is that time again, Sunday serenade with Dean. A great sounding tune as always my friend. Hopefully this will lift everyones spirits a bit today.

    Have a great week.


  2. Thanks for the well-wishin', pal! Feelin' better already! The power of Dino! Haha! Have a GREAT week!
