Saturday, August 06, 2016

" This is Dean Martin at his zenith."

Hey pallies, likes we're back dudes with our fourth and final (for the time bein' at least) intriguin' installment of Dino-delight a la vintage vinyl from the blog "Vox Pop Music Album Guides - A blog to promote the definitive, most comprehensive, guide to popular music," where a Brit blogger who tags himself "Mr Right Wing" holds forth.  So far we are greatly groove on his reviews of our Dino's awesome al-b-ums "This Time I'm Swingin'," "Dino - Italian Love Songs," and "Dream with Dean."

Likes today Mr Right Wing shares a reflective report on the classic croons recorded on our Dino's Reprise collection tagged "EVERYBODY LOVES SOMEBODY," which, of course, includes the "hit ver-si-on that knocked the Beatles off the charts...which we will be celebratin' the 52 anniversary of in just a few days here at ilovedinomartin.

Once 'gain, his wise words begins with a listin' of the individual songs recorded for posterity by our one and only Dino. Followin' that are selected quotations reflectin' pallies perspectives on said disc.
And, as for the past three days, we have used our fantastic fav quotation to tag this post...." " This is Dean Martin at his zenith."  We couldn't 'gree more as indeed our one and only Dino gained ever more fame and fortune durin' this period of his cool career.

Thanks ever so much Mr Right Wing for all these energetic efforts on behalf of our great great man.   It has been pure pleasure to be able to share your quartet of posts with all the pallies gathered 'round the ilovedinomartin waterin' hole.  We likes hopes to see more of your Dino-honorin' efforts in print real soon.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of these here Dino-remarks.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

FRIDAY, 29 JULY 2016
Everybody Loves Somebody – DEAN MARTIN***

Everybody Loves Somebody/Your Other Love/Shutters & Boards/Baby-O/A Little Voice/Things/My Heart Cries For You/Siesta Fiesta/From Lover To Loser/Just Close Your Eyes/Corrine Corrina/Face In A Crowd

Relaxed MOR vocalist Dean Martin achieved his highest US album chart placing with Everybody Loves Somebody. The title track topped the US singles chart and was a No. 11 hit in the UK. (US:2)

"Comprises a collection of B-sides and tracks from previous albums put together to exploit Martin's 1964 hit single Everybody Loves Somebody."

"This album is rather problematic and indicative of some of the problems inherent in Martin's career. It is kind of a slapdash affair with about half the stuff worth listening to and about half throw away garbage."

"The remade Everybody Loves Somebody is a marked improvement over Dean's previous recording by using the classic Martin formula updated with a rock like rhythm section."

"We all know the story behind Everybody Loves Somebody. It was recorded by Dean only as a passing suggestion by pianist Ken Lane (who also co-wrote the song) when sessions were short by one song. It had been recorded many times before, but only Dean would claim the best of it when he iced it in the studios of Reprise."

"Everybody Loves Somebody, which Dean had featured in his early career, and this new recording gave Dean's record producer, Jimmy Bowen, the idea that in a different musical setting, this song would find wider appeal. So with a soaring contemporary arrangement and chorus, the song was re-launched and became a massive hit single."

"I love this version of Everybody Loves Somebody. This song truly belongs to Dean Martin. I never heard it performed better by any other performer on the face of this earth. This is Dean Martin at his zenith."

"There is absolutely no reason to include the six songs that Dean had already recorded the year before on his country albums. It's clear that Reprise wanted to cash in on the Everybody Loves Somebody hit single."

Posted by Mr Right Wing at 09:10

1 comment:

  1. A great series of reviews on so many great albums that Dean Martin has made. There is no question that one could spend years studying and reviewing the endless hits that the one and only has made. Thank you for these great reads my friend.

    Have a nice week.

