Saturday, August 06, 2016

A new draw this year is the Dean Martin Museum.....

Hey pallies, likes we don't often do Dino-double-headers 'specially on the weekend, but this Dino-news is gotta gets out asap.  Likes when we opened our email this Dino-day, our eyes caught a Dino-'lert from the pallies at google that directed us to today's on-line edition of "The Journal Inquirer - North-Central Connecticut's  Hometown's Newspaper" where reporter Mr. Joe Cooper has filed a report on "the 91st Annual Enfield Italian Festival held by the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Society."

Likes the Dino-draw pallies is that Mr. James Monaco, the owner of "the largest collection of Dean Martin memorabilia in the world" has set up his Dino-abilia at the fest and it "still to be available for viewing on Saturday," which is today.  We don't have a clue if there are any readers of ilovedinomartin in that part of Connecticut, but we just had to pass the world 'long 'cause we wouldn't want any Dino-holics to miss this fab Dino-op if they can help it.

We've scribed 'bout Mr. Monaco's cooler then cool collection before, and you can find more info HERE includin' the youtube  vid of the Dino-treasures that we are 'gain sharin' below.  We have included a wee bit of Mr. Cooper's writin's below, but to read all 'bout the fest, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

ilovedinomartin salutes Our Lady of Mount Carmel Society for makin' awesome arrangements for Mr. James Monaco to exhibitin' his massive massive 'mounts of Dino-delight this very Dino-weekend.  Thanks also to Mr. Joe Cooper for sharin' this Dino-news with the public.  Oh, how we wishes that we were somewhere near this delightful Dino-action to drink in this hugest of huge homage to our most most beloved Dino!

We remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Enfield’s 91st annual Italian festival dishes up faith, family, friendship, and lots of homemade food
By Joe Cooper
Journal Inquirer

ENFIELD — For Mary Lou Romano and Anne Marie Butler, the 91st Annual Enfield Italian Festival held by the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Society is an opportunity to see old friends, celebrate traditional values, enjoy authentic Italian food, and have fun.

A new draw this year is the Dean Martin Museum, which has been set up in the Mount Carmel Society’s banquet hall. It was still to be available for viewing on Saturday. Owned by James Monaco of New Jersey, it’s the largest collection of Dean Martin memorabilia in the world. Monaco said he was showcasing his entire collection, which he estimated to be worth $350,000.

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