Saturday, August 20, 2016

Our Dino In "The Silencers": Nice turtleneck and suede jacket.

Hey pallies, likes with the advent of 'net pix sites likes tumblr and Pinterset, pallies post and repost incredibly intriguin' images of our Dino all the times, and oh, if we had 'nough time to checks 'em all out.  Likes, when we do post somethin' from tumblr and/or Pinterset we most often tries to track down the original poster and put that link up here at ilovedinomartin.

Likes today we makin' an exception 'cause we digs the dude who reposted it and the cool cool image below that he uses to represent himself.  So, from the self-tagged blog "Mitch Wagner" we present the post Dean Martin in “The Silencers,” 1966....a duo of great gifs taken from the swank screen moments when Dino is driving what has become known as the "Sex Wagon" with Miss Stella Stevens at his side."
Blogger Mitch Wagner describes himself as  "a technology journalist, editor, blogger, social media enthusiast, writer, husband, liberal, American, nonobservant Jew, and science fiction fan.

We loves Mr. Wagner's observant comments concernin' our Dino's threads...."Nice turtleneck and suede jacket."  Likes you just never ever know where our main man will show up next or what cool comments a pallie will make 'bout him.  ilovedinomartin thanks Mr. Mitch Wagner for this fun little Dino-post.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


Dean Martin in “The Silencers,” 1966

Nice turtleneck and suede jacket.

1 comment:

  1. That jacket did look good on Dean.....ya might say Dean looked dynamite!!

    Or ya might say that jacket gave Dean an explosive look on screen!!

    Who got more "bombed", Stella? or Dean's jacket?

    I know later on in the movie the bad guys sure had a blast with it!!

    Seems to me all these comments and the question I've asked are all right on the button!!
