Friday, August 19, 2016

August 31: Summer Under the Stars 2016 comes to an end with Dean Martin day.

Hey pallies, likes CIRCLEs THIS DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR this very Dino-minute dudes:  AUGUST 31.  Likes, why you quire?  Well on this Dino-date, the pallies at Turner Classic Movies are finishin' off their "Summer Under The Stars 2016 with the fittin' flourish by celebratin' "Dean Martin Day" at their coolest of cool channel.

Likes what that means dudes is that on August 31, Turner Movie Classics is havin' a Dino-thon featurin' a quartet of delightful  Dino-flicks includin' a drama, a sex farce,a musical comedy, and a action adventure.   It's a day sure to bring unendin' pleasure to Dino-holics of all types and stripes, all ages and stages.

We wanted to bring this to your Dino-attention early 'nough in this month, so that you have plenty of time to set aside this afternoon and evening to drink deeply of our most beloved Dino in some of his finest roles on the big screen.  This information came our way by way of the blog "THE HOLLYWOOD REVIEW," which you can locate by clickin' on the tag of this Dino-gram.  We thank 'em very much for gettin' this information out right early so that we coulda gives all youse Dino-philes a heads up.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


August 31: Summer Under the Stars 2016 comes to an end with Dean Martin day. See him in Some Came Running at 3:30 PM, Who Was That Lady? at 6:00 PM, Bells are Ringing at 8:00 PM, and Ocean’s Eleven at 10:15 PM.


  1. Wow! What a way to close out August! Thanks for the heads up, pallie! I'm puttin' 8 hours aside on that day for TOTAL Dino-intoxication! Haha!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we thinks that "Dino-intoxication" is a new Dino-ism here at ilovedinomartin and an apt description of that Dino-high of Dino-highs! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin our most beloved Dino!

  3. Thanks for the notice! I don't want to miss this!

  4. This is good news since i believe we receive TNC here, hopefully i can get to the television at least for part of this remarkable day of Dean Martin movies. Thank you DMP for the good news.

    Have a nice week.

