Saturday, July 09, 2016

Portrait Of A Swinger: The Early Seventies Dino

Hey pallies, likes we can't resist offerin' yet 'nother studly stellar shot of our most beloved Dino.  By the length of Dino's sideburns and the color of his hair, we are guessin' that incredible image of our main man was coolly captured early in the swingin' '70's.

 By this time in his life, Dino had broken his ties with his second wife Jeanne upon bein' solemnly smitten by the likes of Miss Gail Renshaw, Miss USA-World 1969, whom our Dino met in his playground 'Vegas baby 'Vegas after consentin' to doin' a publicty photo shot with her.  While his amorin' of Miss Gail ended after a brief time, it seems that once he let go of his marriage our Dino gave himself the fullest of full  permission to let his personal personna become likes completely coolly congruent with his public persona.

In real life our Dino became the swank swinger that he had portrayed on both big and small screens....the coolest, hippest, and randiest dude ever.  He let his hair grow longer, he became very very mod in his dress, and he kept much later hours at night makin' the scene at coolest club in LA...the Candy Store Discotheque...where he first met Miss Cathy Mae Hawn who woulda become wife numero three.

To us, the incredibly impressive image below completely captures the terrific transformation that our Dino went through to become a swinger in every sense of the word.  Likes if any of you Dino-holics have any info on the details behind this potent photo, please send us a shot out.  Likes to check this out where we found it, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters



  1. Hey pallie,DMP...I totally agree with youse, bro & love how Dino reinvented himself in the 70s. Cool cool time for our pal!

  2. Our Dino was always cool. This 70s look was a great one for him.

  3. A great find DMP and Dino does look cool, calm and relaxed here, well..... as he usually does! Thank you DMP for bringing this winning photograph our way!

    Have a wonderful week.

