Friday, July 08, 2016

Portrait Of A Swinger: Dino and Cathy Makin' The Scene At The Candy Store Discotheque

Hey  pallies, likes the ol' net is boldly 'n  beau-ti-fully burstin' with ultra ubber unendin' incredible images of our one and only Dino and what a powerfully potent  pleasure it is to do some great google image researchin' to uncover more and more cool candids of our one and only Dino.

Likes below is one of the coolest of cool candids of our main man and his amore Miss Cathy Mae Hawn from the swingin' seventies.   Our swingin' Dino and Miss Hawn were makin' the scene at the Candy Store Discotheque, which is where our Dino first encountered Cathy who woulda becomes his wife numero tres.

We're guessin' that this perfect pose was snapped as the lovin' couple was enterin' the Candy Store for a night of awesome action and likes, oh how we wishes that we had been there ourselves to bask in the glory of our swingin' Dino clubbin' with the youthful Miss Hawn.

To find this pix where we uncovered it, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  We likes specially grooves on the '70's Dino and we will keeps lookin' for more and more swingin' snapshots of our swingin' Dino.

We remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean with Cathy Hawn:


  1. Awesome pic, pallie! Never seen before

  2. What a great find DMP, as you said who would not want to be there. I can only imagine the great times that went on at The Candy Store Discotheque, what a name! Dino looks cool, calm and relaxed here as well as his future wife. This must have been the place to be seen back in the glorious disco days of the 70's! :-)

    Have a great weekend.

