Sunday, July 17, 2016

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I'm Yours"

Hey pallies!
Man o man...have I been led to an AB SO LUTE LY BEA U TI FUL  tune for todays Serenade!
 "I'm Yours" is just SO SO fittin' for these HOT & STEAMY Summery nights, my fellow followers of Dino-passion! 
DEF I NATE LY could start  a heatwave...even in January, pallies! Haha!! 
I plucked this little plum from Dean's 1953 al b um "Dean Martin Sings" ...& OMG, my is SO simply mellow & SO very very pretty... I could only imagine ALL the chicalinas faintin' & meltin'... just from our pal croonin' these "o so romantico" words! 
 "Ask the sky above, and ask the Earth below, why I'm so in love and why I love you so".
Man pals...That is some poetic magic right there!!! Haha!! 
Talk 'bout SWOONIN'...this one could almost make time stand still, mi amici!
Summer forever.
 It don't get ANY better than this, pallies!
 The master!
The one & only!
Need I say more???

OK, here we's go!
 Let these SULTRY days last forever, ol' friends o' mine!
Let's float to that magical...summery...moment in time that can ONLY be slowed down by Dean Martin. 
Ask the sky above and ask the earth below
Why I'm so in love and why I love you so
Couldn't tell you though I tried dear
Just why dear, I'm yours
When you went away you left a glowing spark
Trying to be gay is whistling in the dark
I am only what you make me
Come take me, I'm yours how happy
I would be to beg or borrow or sorrow with you
Even though I knew tomorrow you'd say we were through
If we drift apart then I'll be lost alone
Though you used my heart just for a stepping stone
How can I help dreaming of you
I love you, I'm yours
If we drift apart then I'll be left alone
Though you used my heart just for a stepping stone
How can I help dreaming of you
I love you, I'm yours


  1. Wow...excellent choice, pallie. Made my morning.
    George the Greek
    in Texas

  2. What a sweet sounding song Danny G. and a perfect one for that with the dog days of summer here. A great choice once again my friend.I hope things are going well way up there in New England and you have a wonderful week.


  3. Thanks for the feedback, fellas! Much appreciated! It's DEF I NATE LY a GREAT Summertime Dino-jam! Weather is hot & steamy here in Good ol'Worcester MASS. See youse next week, pals...& as ALWAYS...pleasure is ALL mine!
