Monday, April 04, 2016

Try as he might, Dean could never tempt Max the dog away from Aïda’s side.

Hey pallies, likes we are always on the lookout for evermore coolly creative ways that bloggers are showin' their devotion to our Dino, and today we have yet 'nother way that a pallie has used their gifts of creativity to bring a Dino-buddhagrin to our faces.  Not long 'go we were doin' our usual daily google blog Dino-searchin' when we happened 'pon a post from the self tagged blog "Christophe Gowans - The things I am doing and the things I've done."

In reviewin' Gowan's blog we gleaned that he "trained in graphic design and art direction," and that he has " been the Art Director for a number of magazines"  includin' Esquire."  And his May 20, 2013 blog post tagged "The Family Album • Dean Martin and Aïda" how he has Christophe has used his gifts in graphic design and artist to accent our King of Cool.

Likes as you will see below, it is a wee bit of fun that did indeed bring the biggest of big Dino-buddhagrins to our faces!  Once 'gain we have proof positive that there truly truly is no end to pallies Dino-creativity and the unendin' happiness that our Dino can bring to our lives.  We thanks creative artist Mr. Christophe Gowans for this fun fun Dino-entry and are sorry that it took us so so long to uncover this Dino-treasure.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

The Family Album • Dean Martin and Aïda

By Ceeg / May 20, 2013 / FUN & GAMES, SERIES

Try as he might, Dean could never tempt Max the dog away from Aïda’s side. He didn’t know about her secret saveloy stash.

Dean Martin and Aida lo


  1. Very clever, Mr. Gowan...very clever indeed! Haha!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we just never ever know how someone will cleverly homage in new and most interestin' ways! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. What a fun and impressive looking photograph, i love it! A great idea for sure and a wonderful find DMP!

    Have a great week.


  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, thanks for your awesome appreciato. Your cool comments always makes us glad to be spreadin' love for our one and only're simply the best pallie 'round! Thanks for swankly showin' so so much deep, pure, and true Dinopalliedom! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
