Sunday, April 03, 2016

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "April Showers"

Welcome back pals & Happy April!
Have I gots the AB SO LUTE LY PER FEC TO Dino-jam for youse Dino-holics today!!!
 It's a vid I shared here a couple years back & is STILL one of my ALL TIME FAVES! 
It's THE ...quintessential Springtime croon & is just simply SO SO fittin' for a drizzly kinda day like this!  

This GREAT GREAT month is SO full of promise pallies & I definately could not thinks of a MORE Dino-inspirin'  Serenade to set the stage!
 Dean is at his totally FUNNIEST when jokin' with his main pal, Mr. Ken Lane & at his completely SMOOTHEST while croonin' this  BEA U TI FUL Springy tune!
"April Showers" will get you in such a happy mood pals...this I can guarantee!
 Forget the rain!
Forget the clouds!
 Forget this snow that snuck up on us!!! Hahaha!!!
It will melt, my friends...soon enough.
 It's SPRING, pallies!!! It's a state of mind!

Can't help but smile while watchin' Dean weave his magic spell.
Just a wink of his eye or a quick glimpse of that ever present wiseguy smirk...& he got youse!
Your left in a state of suspended animation...just awe struck...floatin' elated & beggin' for more!
 Wantin' to be with him wherever he is!
 Sit back & REALLY soak this one in's Dino at his best!
 Ahhhh  Spring...
you & Dean go so damn well together. Ha! 
Enjoy, pals.

Oh April showers may come your way
They bring the flowers that bloom in May
So if it's raining have no regrets
Because it isn't raining rain you know
It's raining violets
And where you see clouds up on a hill
You soon will see crowds of daffodils
So just keep looking for a bluebird
And listening for his song
Whenever April showers come along
So  keep on looking for a bluebird
And listening for his song
Whenever April showers come along.


  1. A wonderful sounding song my friend and a perfect one for April of course, even in snowy New England. I hope you are staying warm Danny G., i just arrived in Florida late last night for an extended stay and i am not too sad to miss the snow. Thank you again for a great sounding song and your continued hard work in keeping the eternal DM flame alive and well.

    Have a safe and happy week.


  2. Glad you dug the Dino-Serenade, Scott! Pleasure, as always, is ALL mine! So am I losin' my Massachusetts pallie for good?!

  3. I am going to stay in Florida for the near future, and i will be in the Tampa area. My heart will always be in New England wherever i am. :-)

    Have a wonderful week my friend and stay warm!

