Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dean Martin Autograph

Hey pallies, likes quite often these Dino-days the pallies over at google Dino-'lerts send us emails directin' us to craigslist where folks are offerin' a plentiful plethora of Dino-treasure for the purchasin'.  Likes most often we don't pass all these offers on 'cause if we did, that woulda be just 'bout all that we would be fillin' posts with here at our humble little Dino-conclave, ilovedinomartin.

But likes every so often somethin' we consider sorta special gets offered up and we pass 'em on to our readership knowin' that there are pallies of all types and stripes desirin' of addin' to their cool collection of Dino-treasure.  So, likes for the next several  days or so (with a break in between for April Fools Day), sit up and take notice of a swank selection of Dino-treats from folks sellin' through craigslist.

Today we feature a Dino-graph from someone in the Raleigh G'Boro area of North Carolina.  As you will view for yourselves below, it is our singular man's signature on a  cocktail napkin from "one of (our Dino's)  favorite LA Italian Restaurants, Carmine's.  The details of who "Mary" is and how she got the autograph are shared below.

If you are interested in viewin' this in it's original source, as usual, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.  Dino-sharin', DMP

Dean Martin Autograph - $100 (Raleigh G'Boro)

image 1

Dean Martin was eating at one of his favorite LA Italian Restaurants, Carmine's, when he signed this autograph for my Mom ... appropriately enough ... on a cocktail napkin


  1. How great it is to be able to see Dean's signature up close! This would make a great addition to any Dean Martin collection! Thank you my friend for bringing this treasure our way!


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, likes as ever man you are most Dino-welcome...we loves the huge variety of Dino-postin's that we are able to share here at ilovedinomartin. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino...and likes sharin' him as well!
