Thursday, March 31, 2016

!!! 1966 Dean Martin as Matt Helm in The Silencers Ad Booklet

Hey pallies, likes today we return with Dino-treasure 'specially of interest to those Dino-holics who are hopelessly hooked on our Dino as swingin' spyster Matt Helm.  As you will view below there is a dude in Omaha, Nebraska who has an original "1966 Dean Martin as Matt Helm in The Silencers Ad Booklet" for sale on craigslist.

Likes we have heard of these booklets before issued by the Hollywood studios to help promote their big screen efforts, but we don't remember ever gettin' this close of a groovy glimpse before.  The seller has not only provided the cover page image, but also the ability to view each page of the booklet separately, and we bein' at your swank service have make the effort to post images of each page of the beautifully  bodatious booklet below.

This is a hugely hot Dino-item that we would personally loves to gets our grabby little hands on.  Ah, if only we had as much bread as we have desire!  Once, gain to checks this Dino-offerin' out at it's original place of sale, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.  Dino-desirin', DMP

!!! 1966 Dean Martin as Matt Helm in The Silencers Ad Booklet - $50 (Omaha, NE) 

image 1image 2image 3image 4image 5image 6image 7image 8image 9image 10image 11image 12image 13image 14

This is an ad booklet of Dean Martin as Matt Helm in The Silencers (1966). In excellent condition. Please CALL. Thank you! CLM


  1. Hey pal...I actually got me the EXACTO same booklet a few years back & it is VERY cool indeed! Great piece to add to a Dino-Devoted Dino-holic's Cool Cool collection!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes how cool is that dude?!?!?!?! Mighta ya spill the beans on how you came 'cross this beaut of a Dino-treasure? Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Hey pallies, likes Danny-o, guessin' I am goin' to need to hang 'round dem der parts much more Dino-often! Keeps lovin' n' sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Talk about a real treasure, not only a great movie but something you almost never see! I am also happy for Danny G. having a great DM treasure suck as this! Thank you my friend for bring this cool post our way!


  5. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, likes youse speaketh the Dino-truth on likes all 'counts! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
