Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Twenty years without the 'holiday' Dino voice

Astrid Meseguer | Astrid Meseguer Lores
Hey pallies, likes from the Republic of Kosovo we lands in Spain this very Dino-day, where we share the first of 3---count 'em---3 Dino-grams from three different Spanish blogs.  Up first is a most marvelous homagin' of our Dino from the blog "La Vanguardia," which translates "The Vanguard."  Scribed by Miss Astrid Meseguer, editor of "La Vanguardia" since 1997, she hails from Barcelona where she earned her " Degree in Information Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Master in Film Criticism by the Observatorio de Cine."

Miss Meseguer's superbly scribed, poignant prose is tagged "Twenty years without the 'holiday' Dino voice."  Likes, of course, we totally loves the al-b-um image that Astrid chose to highlight her touchin' and tender thoughts.... the dreamy dreamy "Dream With Dean" pose  with our most beloved Dino, ever present Kent cigarette in hand, sittin' by the fireplace warmin' himself...and ponderin' only who knows what.

A note: the translation of the words 'cross the pix is "5 unforgettable christmas DINO."  Our fav teachable thoughts from Miss Meseguer includes this remarkable reflection on our Dino's persona..." Dean Martin was a man of great charisma, a gallant rogue, stylish, womanizing, party animal and a seducer of overwhelming personality that you will know not enemies."  We believes she is Dino-spot on with her thoughts.

We were not able to copy the vid clip of our Dino's croonin' of "Let It Snow," but we were able to share the link so that you can enjoy this bestest of best Dino-wintery croon.  We sez our thanks to Miss Astrid Meseguer for this huge homagin' of our Dino and helpin' many folks in Spain to gets more and more turned on to our King of Cool.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.   Dino-diggin', DMP

Twenty years without the 'holiday' Dino voice

Twenty years without the 'holiday' Dino voice

 Emphysema killed Dean Martin on December 25, 1995

Twenty years without the 'holiday' Dino voice Compilation of songs stop these fehcas essential to remember the 20th anniversary of his death (Writing - LV)

ASTRID MESEGUER , Barcelona 12/24/2015 23:00 | Updated 12/25/2015 14:35

Dean Martin was one of the great American artists of all time. This is reflected in its three stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his career in film, television and music. He recorded more than one hundred albums and scored hit songs that today still remain, especially his interpretations of Christmas classics.


Dino Paul Crocetti (his real name) was born on June 7, 1917 in Steubenville (Ohio) in a family of Italian immigrants, which explains his respect for the Italian musical tradition and the tendency to highlight a profile of 'latin lover 'who came to caricature in his film performances. He managed to amass a significant fortune throughout his life, thanks to its connection to Las Vegas, the unique duo formed for ten years with Jerry Lewis, whom he shot to stardom after making various comedy routines US, and its friend Frank Sinatra. Just next to 'Voice' and Sammy Davis junior form the core of the Rat Pack, one of the most popular artistic groups from the city of casinos.

He soon left school after discovering that theirs were no pencils or books, but the cards and dice. During his teenage years he held various jobs and made some forays into the world of boxing with the pseudonym of 'Kid Crocetti', but in the circuit of the nightclubs where he eventually achieved professional success as a singer and comedian.

He noted for his warm baritone and sympathy wherever he went. Her gallant figure incorrigible fan, snuff and alcohol, you easily granjeaba the affection of viewers and the special admiration of the female audience. Dean Martin was a man of great charisma, a gallant rogue, stylish, womanizing, party animal and a seducer of overwhelming personality that you will know not enemies. In the film he starred in over sixty films and left us memorable films like Rio Bravo, Kissing a Fool or The Young Lions. His characters used to distill an air between naïve, cheeky and funny that fit him like a glove and did not mind appearing in bad movies so that the atmosphere of the shooting was fun.

Dean Martin, Ray Walston and Kim Novak in a scene from 'Kissing a Fool' by Billy Wilder

An unstable love life and alcohol hurt in recent years whose career had been the best paid artist in history. He married four times and had eight children. Those who knew him used to comment that it was a very nice and warm person, yet distant and lonely. Famous was his custom to organize parties at home and isolated in a room little time to welcome guests to sit and watch a western, a film genre he adored.

The death of his son Dino Jr. in a plane crash in 1987 embittered character and plunged him into a deep depression from which he never failed to recover. Paradoxes of life, the man sounded cheerful for the holidays in the homes of everyone whose music, said a goodbye December 25, 1995 at his home in Beverly Hills as a result of emphysema produced his advanced lung cancer . He was 78.

As a tribute to this incomparable showman rescued five most popular Christmas songs and let us delight you once again for his melodic and romantic voice.

Veinte años sin la voz ‘navideña’ de Dino
Un enfisema pulmonar acabó con la vida de Dean Martin el 25 de diciembre de 1995
Veinte años sin la voz ‘navideña’ de DinoRecopilatorio de canciones indispensables paras estas fehcas para recordar los 20 años de su muerte (Redacción - LV)

ASTRID MESEGUER, Barcelona 24/12/2015 23:00 | Actualizado a 25/12/2015 14:35
Dean Martin fue uno de los grandes artistas estadounidenses de todos los tiempos. Así lo reflejan sus tres estrellas en el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood por su carrera en el cine, la televisión y la música. Grabó más de un centenar de discos y obtuvo éxitos musicales que a día de hoy todavía perduran, especialmente sus interpretaciones de los temas clásicos de Navidad.

Dino Paul Crocetti (su verdadero nombre) nació el 7 de junio de 1917 en Steubenville (Ohio) en el seno de una familia de inmigrantes italianos, lo que explica su respeto por el acervo musical italiano y esa tendencia a remarcar un perfil de ‘latin lover’ que llegó a caricaturizar en sus actuaciones cinematográficas. Logró amasar una importante fortuna a lo largo de su vida, sobre todo gracias a su vinculación a Las Vegas, al dúo irrepetible que formó durante diez años con Jerry Lewis, con quien saltó al estrellato tras realizar diversos números cómicos por Estados Unidos, y a su amigo Frank Sinatra. Precisamente junto a ‘la Voz’ y Sammy Davis junior formaría el núcleo duro del Rat pack, uno de los grupos artísticos más populares de la ciudad de los casinos.

Abandonó pronto la escuela tras descubrir que lo suyo no eran los lápices ni los libros, sino la baraja y los dados. Durante su adolescencia desempeñó diferentes trabajos e hizo algunas incursiones en el mundo del boxeo con el seudónimo de ‘Kid Crocetti’, pero fue en el circuito de los nightclubs donde alcanzó cierto éxito profesional como cantante y humorista.

Destacó por su cálida voz de barítono y por su simpatía allí donde iba. Su figura de galán incorregible, aficionado al tabaco y al alcohol, le granjeaba fácilmente el cariño de los espectadores y la admiración especial del público femenino. Dean Martin fue un hombre de gran carisma, un galán pícaro, elegante, mujeriego, juerguista y un seductor de personalidad arrolladora al que no se le conocieron enemigos. En el cine actuó en más de sesenta películas y nos dejó títulos memorables como Rio Bravo, Bésame, tonto o El Baile de los Malditos. Sus personajes solían destilar un aire entre ingenuo, caradura y cómico que le sentaba como un guante y no le importaba aparecer en películas malas con tal de que el ambiente del rodaje fuera divertido.

Dean Martin, Ray Walston y Kim Novak en una escena de 'Bésame, tonto', de Billy Wilder
Dean Martin, Ray Walston y Kim Novak en una escena de 'Bésame, tonto', de Billy Wilder (United Artists - Otras Fuentes)
Una vida amorosa inestable y el alcohol perjudicaron durante los últimos años la carrera profesional de quien había sido el artista mejor pagado de la historia. Se casó cuatro veces y tuvo ocho hijos. Quienes le conocieron solían comentar que era una persona muy agradable y cálida, pero a la vez distante y solitaria. Era famosa su costumbre de organizar fiestas en casa y aislarse en una habitación al poco rato de recibir a los invitados para sentarse a ver algún western, un género cinematográfico que adoraba.

La muerte de su hijo Dino Jr. en un accidente aéreo en 1987 le amargó el carácter y le sumió en una profunda depresión de la que no logró recuperarse nunca. Paradojas de la vida, el hombre cuya música sonaba alegre para estas fiestas en los hogares de todo el mundo, nos dijo adiós un 25 de diciembre de 1995 en su casa de Beverly Hills a consecuencia de un enfisema que le produjo su avanzado cáncer de pulmón. Tenía 78 años.

Como homenaje a este incomparable showman rescatamos sus cinco canciones navideñas más conocidas y nos dejamos deleitar una vez más por su melódica y romántica voz.


  1. Very cool, pallie! I'm diggin' the international groove on our main man, Dino!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we likewise are bein' so refreshed to find so many international posts accentin' our beau-fi-ful man! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our one and only Dino!

  3. Twenty years without the 'holiday' Dino voice

    I was thinking that thought this past Christmas season.

    Yet, everywhere I went -- the shopping mall, the grocery store, etc. -- our Dino's voice was there in the muzak. And when our Dino's voice sounded, everyone had a lighter step and smiled.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, glad to know in your part of the Dino-globe that youse heard our Dino mucho seasonal...likes for some reasons this particular Dino-season, we didn't hear that much of our great man in the public square and likes don't know why. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
