Monday, January 11, 2016

Dean Martin, the man who sang died for Christmas

Hey pallies, likes 'nother Dino-week is upon us, and we are most delighted to continue our awesome accent on international Dino-adulation in the wake of the 20th anniversary of our most beloved Dino's passin' on December 25, 1995.  As we crisscross the globe we stop by a blog  from the Republic of Kosovo, "Kosova -Temi Nje,"   The language of the original post is Albanian is entitled "Dean Martin, the man who sang died for Christmas."

The homage includes some of the standard details 'bout our Dino's life and times, as well as quotations from his comedic partner Mr. Jerry Lewis. bout our Dino's doubts of his talents and skills, and  director, Mr. Peter Bogdanovich 'bout his death on Christmas Day 1995.  A classic Dino-pose and three youtube vid clips are included....our main man's main song, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime," a fav wintery croon, "Let It Snow," and bestest of best a vid that includes all the seasonal croons from our Dino's classic, "The Dean Martin Christmas Album" on Reprise Records.

Likes it is cool how each and every international homage we are sharin' as their own unique Dino-twist, and the scriber of this one is summed up in this thought, "So the fact that the voice of a man who always follows us for the holidays die precisely on Christmas Day."  We thanks the folks at
"Kosova -Temi Nje," for hugely honorin' on Dino on the anniversary of his death and know that their efforts will awesomely aid fellow Kosovoians in their amore of our one and only Dino!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.   Simply Dino-awed, DMP

Dean Martin, the man who sang died for Christmas

dean martin

dean martin 16:42, 24 December 2015

Famous singer Dean Martin died December 25, 1995, then on Christmas Day.

Martin had 40 top 10 songs between 1950 and 1969, three of which -That's Amore, Memories are Made of This and Everybody Loves Somebody - sold millions of copies.

Dean Martin was born on June 17, 1917 in Steubenville, Ohio, reports Klan Kosova.

He was the son of an Italian immigrant who was a barber by profession, Martin in his youth began working in a steel mill, and at the request of his friends on the weekend he began singing in clubs of his city.

When he was 21 years old while singing in a bar, he saw Sammy Watkins who was the leader of a jazz band, who surprises by his way of singing.

At the time, Dean Martin, is called himself as Dino Martini (by an Italian opera star, Nino Martni), but gave him the name Watkins artistic Dean Martin.

Since then a music legend was born.

Despite that he made headlines, Martin had many doubts about his talent and skills.

"Dean can never sang and was unsure how much he is worth. He had no confidence, "said his partner, Jerry Lewis.

Martin even had stated publicly that he has little faith in himself as a singer.

Well maybe, just this thing has special man.

Also Martin was very good in acting, he even was niminuar Oscar in the 1959 film, Who Was That Lady? - But even then he continued to be a celebrity but more reluctant, although in the sixties he was the highest paid American.

The Dean Martin Show, was the gourd show in 1965 and 1966, for which he paid 283 euros for an episode.

For the public Martin was a very elegant man, but his good friends the character of Martin was very difficult.

But his children are happy memories that his father has left and they say he has filled their lives with humor.

But for all his fans, Dean Martin remains his wonderful voice conveyed to every Christmas.

Martin has won the award for lifetime achievement Grammy in 2009 has a perfect voice for carols.

His song Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow, snow is classic songs.

Martin was 78 years old when he died on 25 December 1995 at his home in Beverly Hills.

Many people when he died view as "doomed"

So the fact that the voice of a man who always follows us for the holidays die precisely on Christmas Day.

"The fact that Dean Martin died on Christmas Day is exactly like a black humor that would make it themselves. I could not believe until I heard that it to all kazionot in Las Vegas had turned off the lights for a minute in his honor. Then, Dean seemed to hear the saying 'A whole minute? So pasna was an important man, "said director Peter Bogdanovich.

Of course he was an important man. He was the king of festive songs.

Below you can listen to the songs of Martin Christmas song that definitely made their mark in the music world.

 Dean Martin, njeriu që këndoi e vdiq për Krishtlindje

dean martin 16:42, 24 Dhjetor 2015

Këngëtari i njohur Dean Martin, ka vdekur më 25 dhjetor të vitit 1995, pra në ditën e Krishtlindjeve.

Martin kishte 40 top 10 këngë në mes të viteve 1950 dhe 1969, tre prej të cilave –That’s Amore, Memories are Made of This dhe Everybody Loves Somebody – u shitën me miliona kopje.

Dean Martin kishte lindur më 17 qershor të vitit 1917 në Steubenville të Ohios, transmeton Klan Kosova.

Ai ishte djal i një emigranti italian që ishte berber me profesion, e Martin në rininë e tij  filloi të punojë në një fabrikë të çelikut, dhe me kërkesë të miqve të tij ai filloi në fundjavë të këndojë në klubet e qytetit të tij.

Kur ishte 21 vjeçar teksa po këndonte në një lokal, atë e vuri re Sammy Watkins që ishte lider i një grupi xhez, që u surpriza nga mënyra e tij e të kënduarit.

Në atë kohë Dean Martin, po e quante veten si Dino Martini (sipas një ylli të operas italiane, Nino Martni), por Watkins i vuri atij emrin artistik Dean Martin.

Që nga ai moment një legjendë e muzikës kishte lindur.

Pavarësisht që ai bëri bujë, Martin kishte shumë dyshime për talentin dhe aftësitë e tij.

“Dean asnjëherë nuk mund të këndonte dhe të ishte i sigurt se sa shumë vlen ai. Ai nuk kishte fare vetëbesim”, u shpreh partneri i tij, Jerry Lewis.

Martin madje e kishte deklaruar publikisht se ka shumë pak besim në veten si këngëtar.

E po ndoshta, pikërisht kjo gjë e ka bërë të veçantë këtë njeri.

Gjithashtu Martin, ishte shumë i mirë edhe në aktrim, ai madje ishte niminuar për Oscar në filmin e vitit 1959, Who Was That Lady? – por edhe pas kësaj ai vazhdoi të mbetej një njeri i famshëm por shumë ngurrues, edhe pse në vitet e gjashtëdhjeta ai ishte amerikani më i paguar.

The Dean Martin Show, ishte emisioni më i pagur në vitet 1965 dhe 1966, për të cilën ai paguhej 283 mijë euro për një episod.

Për publikun Martin ishte një njeri shumë elegant, por për miqtë e tij të mirë karakteri i Martin ishte shumë i vështirë.

Mirëpo fëmijët e tij janë të lumtur me kujtimet që babai i tij u ka lëne dhe sipas tyre ai ua ka mbushur jetën me humor.

Kurse për të gjithë fansat e tij, Dean Martin mbetet i mrekullueshëm e zëri i tij i  përcjellë për çdo Krishtlindje.

Martin që e ka fituar çmimin për arritje jetësore në Grammy në vitin 2009 e ka një zë perfekt për këngë festive.

Kënga e tij Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow, është këngë klasike për borën.

Martin ishte 78 vjeçar kur ndërroi jetë më 25 dhjetor 1995 në shtëpinë e tij në Beverly Hills.

Shumë persona  ditën kur ai ka vdekur e shikojnë si “të destinuar”

Pra faktin që një njeri zëri i të cilët na përcjell gjithmonë për festat e fundvitit vdes pikërisht në ditën e Krishtlindjeve.

“Fakti që Dean Martin vdiq në ditën e Krishtlindjeve është saktësisht si një humor i zi që do e bënte vetë ai. Mua nuk më besohej derisa dëgjova se të gjtihë kazionot në Las Vegas kishin fikur dritat për një minutë për nder të tij. Pastaj, më dukej sikur po dëgjoja Dean duke thënë ‘Një minutë të tërë? Pra pasna qenë një njeri i rëndësishëm”, u shpreh regjisori Peter Bogdanovich.

Sigurisht që ai ishte një njeri i rëndësishëm. Ai ishte mbreti i këngëve festive.

Më poshtë mund ta dëgjoni këngët e Martin për Krishtlindje, këngë që me patjetër kanë lënë gjurmë në botën e muzikës.

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