Wednesday, January 06, 2016

There are many songs Dean Martin, which left a deep mark....

Hey pallies, likes we've been sayin' we have been totally totally thrilled to have discovered many and varied tremendous tributes to our one and only Dino on this twentieth anniversary of his passin' from our presence, indeed so so many that it may take us most, if not all of January to share 'em all with youse.  And, one of the thin's that extremely excites us is that a goodly goodly number of these lovin' homages come from the four corners of the Dino-universe.

Case in point woulda be today's Dino-gram that comes from Serbia.....our first entry from there as far as Dino-memory serves us.    From the pad "BB PORTAL," comes their Dino-offerin' "RETRO RECOLLECTION: DEAN MARTIN."  As you will note below, included is a powerful pose of our one and only Dino sportin' that delightful Dino-buddha grin of his, a bit of brief patter includin' these wonderfully wise words, "There are many songs Dean Martin, which left a deep mark....," and a trio of great great vid clips of our great great man.

The videos include three of our main man's main croons:  "That's Amore,"  "Sway," and "Memories Are Made Of This."  We are  terrifically touched by this most Dino-honorin' post lettin' us know that there musta be just a ton of Serbians who are swankly smitten by our one and only Dino.  We sez our thank you very much to the pallies at "BB PORTAL" for rememberin' our Dino's legacy in this way, and as usual, to view this in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-rememberin', DMP


Retro recollection: Dean Martin

 26 December 2015.

UK 0

Retro recollection: Dean Martin

Dean Martin (Dino Paul Crocetti) was a singer and actor of Italian descent.
He was certainly an icon on the world music scene in '50. and '60. of the last century. His hits have become evergreen. Besides music, he was also known as a comedian, actor and film producer. There are many songs Dean Martin, which left a deep mark, and we recommend only three.

BB Portal

Retro prisjećanje: Dean Martin
MAGAZINMUZIKA 26. Decembar 2015. V.B. 0
Retro prisjećanje: Dean Martin

Dean Martin (Dino Paul Crocetti) je bio pjevač i glumac italijanskog porijekla.
On je sigurno bio ikona na svjetskoj muzičkoj sceni ‘50. i ‘60. godina prošlog vijeka. Njegovi hitovi su postali evregreen. Pored muzike, bio je poznat i kao komičar, glumac i filmski producent. Mnogo je pjesama Dean-a Martina koje su ostavile dubok trag, a mi izdvajamo samo tri.


  1. I swear I have never seen this up until about 10 minutes ago. Dean could sing...but he could also sing with any act and look good doing it.....except for the coat of course!!

    Go here to see what I am talking about!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes DeansPalley...thanks for sharin' that fabulous will certainly
    finds it's way to ilovedinomartin in due time...and dude, hate to disagree with you man...but we totally digs seein' our main man dressed in the swingin' fashion of the day....Dino really embraced mod, and likes everythin' else....was the coolest of the cool at it! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
