Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Dean Martin Tribute (Moments with Dean)

Hey pallies, likes we are back with Miss Michelle Lindhardt's second mighty magical youtube vid trib to our one and only Dino.  Likes yesterday's post, this marvelous montage of moments with our Dino is accented with one of our main man's main croons, "Memories Are Made Of This," and likes indeed Michelle has captured many many memorable moments with our King of Cool...with his comedic partner Mr. Jerry Lewis, with members of the Rat Pack, and of course many magical moments from the Dean Martin Variety Show.

Truly, truly Miss Lindhardt has once 'gain used just a ton of time and talent to lovin'ly create 'nother tremedously touchin' and tender tribute to our most beloved Dino.  'Though we did not mention it yesterday, we find her use of black and white to extremely enhance her Dino-presentation.  Watchin' these vids only only makes us yearn more and more to be able to return to the days when Dino walked the earth.

We thinks Miss Michelle was brilliant to end the vid with Mr. Perry Como croonin' "Magic Moments" 'cause indeed our Dino created magic wherever he was, whatever he was doin' and likes indeed we craves more and more of these magical moments each and every single Dino-day!  We once 'gain salute Miss Michelle Lindhardt for her extraordinary efforts in reverently rememberin' our most beloved Dino on this twentieth anniversary of his passin' from our presence.  Indeed, we hopes to find more Dino-vid homagin' from her in the future!

And, likes pallies, likes stayed tuned in tomorrow as we begins a stupendous series of powerful posts from 'round the Dino-globe.....Serbia, Greece, Netherlands.....and tons more!   Dino-devotedly, DMP

Dean Martin Tribute (Moments with Dean)

michelle lindhardt

Published on Dec 26, 2015

A Tribute video to Dean Martin! A true Gentleman, still brings joy to people around the World!!

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