Saturday, January 02, 2016

I Wanna Wish You A Happy New Year!

Hey pallies, likes wonderin' which of youse Dino-holics remembers by what character, in which Dino-flick, the tag of this Dino-post was spoken?

Wells it was likes spaketh by the Miss January, chick, played by the lovely Miss Corinne Cole,to our most beloved  Dino as swingin' spyster Matt Helm in Helmer  numero duo, "Murders' Row." After likes our Dino had taken Miss J's pix for a calendar layout, she sneaks under our Dino's sheets 'cause "January is such a cold month" and she wants to stay warm. When likes he finds her there he sez, "I'd never thought I would ever say this, but I'm tired, all I want to do is lie down and get some rest. Now, be a good girl and go on home." Well by the Dino-shot below you can see who won the first 'round of that tangle, as our Dino sez, "Well, I'm glad you talked some sense into me."

Likes Miss J, we wanna wish all our ilovedinomartin Dino-philes a Happy New Dino-Year. We raise a toast to our Dino and all his pallies in lookin' forward to yet 'nother year of liftin' of the name of our Dino and spreadin' the happiness that only he brings to all who know, love, and honors him. So, happy new Dino-year pallies and keeps lovin' our Dino in 2016...and far, far beyond!

Below is a cool Dinotrib...actually tagged "Murders' Row (Suite)" that we found at youtube that so so cleverly homages our great man with tons of Dino-stills and Dino-posters from "Murders' Row." Likes we so so digs it pallies and knows likes you will too. May all our days be Dino-days! Your Dino-diggin' Dino-bro, DMP


  1. A very happy New Year to everyone at 'ilovedinomartin'! It's hard to believe how fast 2015 has wrapped up and here we are in 2016 already. What better way to see the New Year in then with a great posting here of course. I am very impressed with the music to the DM and AM movie. If this doesn't scream the swinging 60's i don't what does. Thank you my friend for starting 2016 out with a bang and of course i will look forward to all the greatest of great DM postings to come throughout the New Year. Thank you DMP for your dedication and continued hard work.


  2. Cool Cool vid, pallie o' mine! Man...what I wouldn't give to be in the SWINGIN' 60's right now! Happy New Year, pal & to ALL!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, as always we are deeply delighted that you digs the pix and vid....keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, glads youse digs...but knews youse would...if only we could return to the days when our Dino was swinger supreme! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our main man!
