Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Gif(t)s Of Dino....."Marshmallow World"

Hey pallies, likes we here at ilovedinomartin are always always searchin' for more and more wonderfully wondrous ways of highly, hugely homagin' our most beloved Dino.  While most of our time is spent on sharin' others deeply deep devotion of our Dino, and we gotta 'fess up we don't find the time often 'nough  to offer our own purely personal passion for our one and only Dino.

But, likes on this twenty second day of Dino-winter-month as the days draweth  closer and closer to the twentieth anniversary of our Dino's departure from our presence on December 25, 1990, we just need to share with all youse fellow Dino-holics our simple and  hopefully special way of  showin' our absolute appreciation for our King of Cool.

Likes for a ton of ages now, it has been the desire of our devoted Dino-heart to create a series of gifs sharin' an entire Dino-croon made up of a plentiful plethora of short moments...mostly five seconds in length.  Our desire in doin' so is to accent each and every nuance of our great great man's beautifully bountiful body movements.   From every fascinatin' facial expression includin' our Dino's extremely expressive eyes (likes who can ever resist his glorious glance?!?!?!?!?!)....to the wonderful  ways he gracefully gestures with his ever present Kent cigarette in hand, we hopes a series of gifs will capture in the coolest of cool ways possible.

And pallies, like it was a beau-ti-ful breeze of a decision on which Dino-croonin' vid that woulda be the swank subject of extra effort for Dino.   Likes what coulda be better then the  December 15, 1974  vid ver-si-on of our King of Cool croonin' "Marshmallow World" on a Bob Hope Christmas special?
None to our Dino-notion!  Here we find our most beloved Dino outfitted in  his extremely elegant tux with Kent smoke in hand, sittin' on his green velvet throne, surrounded by all the seasonal trimmin's includin' delightfully  decorated Christmas tree inside and  swank snowman on the outside.

In 1974, at age 57,  we believe our Dino was at the absolutely awesome zenith of his coolest of cool career.  Dino was cooler, hipper, and randier then ever.  Always wantin' to put the accent on the youthful action of the day, Dino had surrounded himself with youthful ladies and gents....currently married to twenty something Miss Cathy Hawn, who he met while clubbin' at the coolest of cool Candy Store Discotheque.  When he wasn't wearin' the tux, he was often found sportin' the modest of mod fashions....on the golf course, in segments of his variety show, and as swank swinger extraordinare, makin' the nightlife scene wherever the action was.

We think our Dino croonin' 'bout marshmallows is where it is at dudes, and it is our proud privilege to share the twenty six---count 'em---twenty six gifs of our one and only Dino's sensational seasonal song, "Marshmallow World."  First, the original vid, and our Dino-gift of gifs follows.  Likes we hopes it brings you as much pure pleasure as it has brought us in creatin' it!   Likes, be a love, and sends us some patter 'bout what youse think!  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow WorldDEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World


  1. GREAT job DMP! Felt like I was in some CRAZY Dino-twilight zone! Hahaha!!! Loved it! We appreciate your daily efforts to bring the purest of pure essence of Dino to us ALL year long, pal! Grazi!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks ever so much for your Dino-appareciato...our Dino is truly worthy of our bestest of best efforts and know our appreciation as well for your week in, week out tributes to our most beloved Dino through your always swingin' and sensitive serenades for our great great man. We wishes youse and yours a touchin' and tender Dino-winter-day! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. A wonderful Christmas song and as you said Dino seemed to be on top of the world at this point, a magical time for sure. Thank you DMP for all the wonderful Gif's, a real pleasure to see! Thank you for your continued and non stop hard work in keeping the Dino flame burning as bright as ever!

    Happy Holidays!


  4. Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much Scotty for the pleasure of watchin' you grow deeper and deeper in knowin', lovin', and honorin' our one and only Dino! May you remembrance of Dino-winter-day be filled with the wonders of our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our main man!
