Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Dean Martin ~ Wishes You A Merry Christmas ~ 1994

Hey pallies, likes today as Dino-winter-day is not far off,  we share a very short vid of a Christmas greetin' from our Dino created in 1994, the year before he departed from our presence.  Somebody with an ol' vid camera approached our most beloved Dino comin' out of a bar and asked him to say Merry Christmas, and our ever gracious Dino does just that!

We've shared this vid before durin' previous Dino-winter month remembrances, and we feel called  to  makin' this a yearly tradition here at ilovedinomartin.

We thanks the pallie who musta planned to film this short vid for givin' all us Dino-holics this most movin' memory of our King of Cool.....truly bitter sweet for sure.   Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP


  1. I remember this video. Very poignant.

    And the very last time that our Dino wished us a Merry Christmas while he was walking this earth.

  2. A wonderful Christmas video from Dean that i have not seen before, thank you my friend for this heart felt Dino moment!

    Happy Holidays!


  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, very powerfully 'n potently poignant indeed! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, we are most pleased that you gots to see this tremendously touchin' moment in Dino-history. Keeps lovin',keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
