Saturday, November 28, 2015

"I remember when I first really started to love Dino..."

Hey pallies, likes for our partin' post durin' our 2015 festival of "Givin' Dino Thanks" we turn to one of our most potently profround  posts that has appeared on the pages of ilovedinomartin numerous times since it first hit the 'net on October 2, 2012.  Scribed by then true Deanager Mr. Richard L. Sykes at his self-tagged blog "richardlsykes," Richard was at the time a freshman in college when he posted "Dean “Dino” Martin: The King of Cool."

Sykes pontificated 'bout himself, "I'm Richard, I live in Village Suites and my major is undeclared. I'm from Roswell, Ga but i was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. I play guitar and I'm awesome."

As you will read, this youthful  hipster  is solidly sold out and stunnin'ly  smitten by our most beloved Dino.  His devotion to our most beloved Dino is deeply deep, purely pure, and truest of true as exhibited by his powerfully powerful prose shared below.   When written Mr. Sykes likes was early in his passion for our Dino as he scribed,  "it wasn’t even a year ago" when our Dino welcomed Richard  into his world and make him his pallie. While this Dino-prose is quite short in scribin' it is oh, so long in awe-struck-ness of our Dino!

A few of Richard's thoughts...

"I cannot even begin to describe how much i love this artist."

"He’s the best, the classiest, most talented man to have enver lived."

"The way he sang, the swave of his voice, the smooth classy feel to him brought chills to my spine."

"I remember at that moment, I wanted to be him, and ever since that, I have promised myself that I would transform myself to a man of his caliber."

"There are just aren’t enough words to describe it."

Likes dude is  Richard a true Dino-devotee or what?!?!?   We simply needed to share it one more time as we close out our season of "Givin' Dino Thanks" as a extraordinary example of how so so many of today's young modsters are swingin' the Dino-way!

Mucho kudos for the mucho love that Richard Sykes has for our most beloved Dino. How stellar to have this nouveau hipster so so bold in openin'ly announcin' his passion for our King of Cool in such a supremely Dino-devoted way. To view Richard's patter in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, only, and ever, DMP

Dean “Dino” Martin: The King of Cool

Dean “Dino” Martin

I cannot even begin to describe how much i love this artist. He’s the best, the classiest, most talented man to have enver lived. Okay that might be opionated slightly but I think many would agree that Martin is a class act. I remember when I first really started to love Dino, it wasn’t even a year ago when I clicked on a video posted on my blog. The video was of the Rat Pack (Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin) playing at a gig with Ed Sulliven. The way he sang, the swave of his voice, the smooth classy feel to him brought chills to my spine. I remember at that moment, I wanted to be him, and ever since that, I have promised myself that I would transform myself to a man of his caliber. There are just aren’t enough words to describe it.


  1. Smart fella! Who wouldn't want to emmulate out pal amongst pals? A REAL square for sure! Haha!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, youse up bright and early this very Dino-day, and yes we deeply digs sharin' over and over 'gain nouveau hipster Richard L. Slykes absolute adoration of our one and only Dino! Just took a sneak peak at tomorrow's Sunday Serenade with Dino, and indeed Danny dude youse likes have picked the perfecto croon for helpin' to usher in Dino-winter month. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most most beloved Dino!

  3. A wonderful and heartfelt posting, thank you my friend for bringing this read our way!

    Have a nice weekend.


  4. Hey pallie, likes great to hear from you Scotty...indeed, we deeply youthful hipster Richard L. Sykes purer then pure passion for our one and only Dino! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
