Sunday, November 29, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Welcome To My World"

Mama mia, pallies!
Is it true?!
 Is we 'bout to enter 'nother Dino Winter Month?! Can it be true?! Can it be so?!
YES! It is!
The BESTEST month outta the whole Dino-lovin' year is upon us once 'gain, mi amici!

These COOL COOL 31 days MUST be cherished, pals!

We MUST inhale this MAGICAL air...deep deep into our Dean Martin-lovin' lungs... & hold it in until it's absorbed into our very souls!!! Ha!

Now pals...I know I'm gettin' a tiny bit crazy & I may just be crossin' the threshold of insanity, but, pals...IT'S DINO WINTER MONTH!!! Hahaha!!!

The MOSTEST won der ful time of the year!
Isn't that how the song goes?

Anyway, pallies...let me help youse get prepared. It's only a few hours 'way!

I'm thinkin' there's only one tune that is PERFECTO to kick this GREAT month off... yup..."Welcome To My World"!
 Dean's invitin' each & every one of us to enter his Swingin' Cool kingdom & we don't wanna keep him waitin'! Haha!!
 Can't pass up an offer like that, pals!

 Check out this BEA U TI FUL recordin' of this BEA U TI FUL jam!

 So fun listenin' to Dean bein' fresh with Ken Lane, too! Haha!!!

Man...I'm diggin' this Dino-vibe SOOOO much, thats I simply CANT help but play the studio recordin' vid as well! So So nice...I had to play it twice! Ha!
What a way to jump into this GREAT & GROOVY month! Hahaha!!!

 OK, ol' friends o mine...time to get thins' gettin'!

Miracles I guess...still DO TRULY happen now & then, pals.
After all...we got Dino...need I say more?
Welcome & enjoy.

Welcome to my world
Won't you come on in?
Miracles I guess
Still happen now and then
Step into my heart
Leave your cares behind
Welcome to my world
Built with you and mine
Knock, and the door will open
Seek, and you will find
Ask, and you'll be given
The key to this world of mine
I'll be waiting here
With my arms unfurled
Waiting just for you
Welcome to my world


  1. Love Dino's crooning of this song and the similar song "Welcome To My Heart" from the album Gentle On My Mind. Dean was featured on Hawaii Five-0 a couple of weeks back. The song "Money Burns A Hole In My Pocket" was the song used for a couple of pick pockets. Then this past week Dean's Capitol version of Let It Snow can be heard in the Hallmark movie North Pole Open For Business.

  2. It's hard to believe it is almost December and the start of the Christmas season, although some say it starts rite after the Thanksgiving day feast. Anyways two wonderful videos, a funny one from the all time greatest of great t.v. shows and a wonderful and sweet sounding Dino song that seems just perfect for the holiday season. Thank you Danny G. for bringing these gems our way.

    Have a great week!


  3. Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much Danny-o for this intensely incredibly insightful introduction to Dino-winter-month 2015...honorin' the 20 year anniversary of our most beloved Dino's departure from our presence. Might we say that we believes that you have picked just the bestest of the best song to get the Dino-festivities off and runnin', likes 'especially after we just featured nouveau hipster Mr. Richard L. Sykes story of bein' welcomed into our Dino's world and how his life is bein' tremendously transformed by that Dino-action. Lookin' forward to your winterhy Dino-serenade cool contributions durin' this very special month here at our humble little Dino-home. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our one and only Dino!

  4. Glad youse dug the Dino, pallies! Pleasure, as ALWAYS, is all mine! Great lookin' out, Deanspalley! Love how SO SO much of Dean's music is STILL used in movies & television, today!
