Monday, October 12, 2015

Dino Mention In The WaPo!

Hey pallies, likes today is 'nother first for our humble little ilovedinomartin waterin' hole.  Today is Columbus Day in the gool ol' United States of America, and likes when we opened our email is very Dino-day, front and center was a submission to our Dino-pad scribed by none other then our deeply deeply devoted-to-Dino pallies Miss Always On Watch (AOW for short.)

 Now havin' Miss AOW shares some patter with us in not new, but the theme of her Dino-devotion is....a huge homagin' of our most beloved Dino on Columbus  Day.  Likes pallies we gotta 'fess up that we never ever even gave it it a thought to link our Dino to the discovery of the new world, but leave it to our awesome Miss AOW to come up with a link.

Nows, likes we don't wanna takes any thunder away from your touchin' thoughts of Dino-appreciato, so we ain't gonna share anythin' 'bout here poweful post, but likes, simply direct your attention to her cool creativity below.  We thanks our Dino-gal Miss AOW for her as ever energetic efforts in the cause of our one and only Dino and hugely hopes more Dino-devotion will flow from your pen soon 'gain to grace the pages of our humble little Dino-blog.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

Dino Mention In The WaPo!

by Always on Watch

As Columbus Day 2015 approached, Vincent J. Cannato, associate professor of history at the University of Massachusetts Boston and the author of American Passage: The History of Ellis Island, paid homage to our Dino in his opinion piece "How America became Italian":

...[After World War 2] while Italian Americans’ kitchens were changing the nation’s palate, their creativity was winning over the popular culture. Before the dawn of rock-and-roll, many of the singers who defined American music were Italian Americans: Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Vic Damone, Tony Bennett, Perry Como and Louis Prima among them....
This paragraph appeared in the Sunday edition of the Washington Post of the WaPo — the most widely read edition of the newspaper all week long — so we Dino fans know that many readers took note of our Dino and his role in changing America for the better!

Two images of our Dino promoting Italian food (images courtesy of Google images):


  1. Thanks for posting this so quickly, DMP. And on Columbus Day, too!

    I've ever on the lookout (always on watch) for tidbits about our beloved Dino.

  2. A little something else I just found:

    When the Moon Hits Your Eye or Spaghetti in the Sky

    Note home much our Dino looked like his father Gaetano.

    And there's a spaghetti sauce recipe, too. A recipe which our Dino's mother made!

  3. I also found this wonderful web page.

    Gotta love the Age of Digital Technology!

  4. Outstandin' journalism! haha!!

  5. Hey pallie, likes no problemo Miss AOW. Likes when we saw that it was so so timely, we just had to do our part to get it to the ilovednomartin readership asap! Quire ma'am.....might you be willin' to do some patter on each of the cool Dino-finds that you just posted in your comments? Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  6. DMP,
    Let me see if I can work some more posts into my schedule.

  7. Hey pallie, likes great Miss rush, we have plenty of posts waitin' to be shared with fellow Dino-devotees, but it woulda means so much to have you personally share your thoughts on those Dino-gems that you have uncovered. Just keep me posted. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!

  8. Great find Ms. AOW! Great article! He WAS a twin to his dad!
