Thursday, August 06, 2015

The film recording of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., and Johnny Carson performing together on the same stage made entertainment history.

Hey pallies, likes for some reason, we gotta 'fess up that more then usual we seem to be behind in our Dino-reportin' this Dino-season.  Today is 'nother one of those days.  If we woulda been on our toes, we woulda shared an On This Day In Dino-history report on June 20 that that date was the 50th anniversary of the Rat Pack live spectacular that occured at the Kiel Opera House in downtown St. Louis.

All youse true Dino-holics will remember that it was on the night of June 20, 1965 when Mr. Sinatra gathered our Dino, Mr. Sammy Davis Jr., and Mr. Johnny Carson (at the last minute subbin' for Mr. Joey Bishop) for a great great benefit performance for a half-way house for convicts called the Dismas House.  Tagged  the "Frank Sinatra Spectacular" the concert was also shared by close circuit television to other cites across America.

On July 22, the folks at Fox Television Station in St. Louis, FOX 2 NOW, carried a video story on this historic event that features KPLR's reporter Mr. Dan Gray who was present that eventful night at the Kiel Opera House.  Gray shares his own marvelous memories of the night and talks with others as well.  All youse Dino-philes will wanna listen closely to Gray's special Dino-memory of that excitin' evenin'.  The vid includes brief footage from the live event includin' Gray's grooviest of groovy Dino-memory!

We thanks the pallies at FOX 2 NOW, 'specially reporter Mr. Dan Gray will rememberin' this magnificant moment in the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino and his pallies with the masses.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

Likes, we went to youtube to see if there still was a vid of the entire event posted and indeed we found it!  For some reason we coulda not find a way to get it posted here, but if you clicks  HERE,
you will be sent directly to the vid at youtube.  Dino-historically, DMP

50th anniversary of Frank Sinatra Spectacular

ST. LOUIS (KTVI) – This summer marks the 50th anniversary of the legendary Frank Sinatra Spectacular that was held at the Kiel Opera House in downtown.

The film recording of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., and Johnny Carson performing together on the same stage made entertainment history.

KPLR 11’s Dan Gray was at that show in 1965. He shares his own memories of the event and talks with others who were at the concert.

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