Wednesday, August 05, 2015

James Kelsey: dean martin sings for you once again

Hey pallies, likes today we are gonna be treated to 'nother of Mr. James Kelsey's coolest of cool Dino creations a la a youtube Dino-vid.  Likes this time 'round Kelsey uses his simply but effective animation to have our Dino croon 'nother oldie "I Don't Know Why I Love You Likes I Do."

We don't know why we are so so attracted to Kelsey's Dino-efforts 'cept we does so love to see the many and varied ways that our Dino is hugely homaged all over the web in such varied ways. We don't know of anybody else who does Dino like Mr. James Kelsey and we find it so uniquely unique!

So, we sez our thanks once 'gain to Mr. James Kelsey for usin' his gift and talents to hugely homage our one and only King of Cool.  As way of a bit of a bonus, hopes all youse Dino-philes will enjoy the clip included in this post of our Dino singin' this same tune with the lovely Miss Petula Clark accompanyin' our great great man on the piano...a beautiful moment in time with two most beautiful lovin' folks.  In our Dino, DMP

dean martin "i don't know why i love you like i do."


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