Thursday, August 27, 2015

Scotty's Sharin': Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra 1966

My Photo

Hey pallies, likes our bestest of best Dino-phile Scotty-o from "BlueisKewl" has come through 'gain with phenomenally potent poses of our most beloved Dino shared with the greater Dino-world.  Below are two cool candids of our most beloved Dino and his Rat Pack pallie Mr. Frank Sinatra snapped sometime in 1966.  In both of this incredible images we see our main man with his ever present cigarette just waitin' to be lit up.  And, we might add, these are two Dino-views likes that we ain't ever laid our eyes on least as far as our Dino-memory carries us!

Just lookin' at these swank shots makes us wonder where they were clicked and what excitin' event our King of Cool was sharin' with the Chairman of the Board.  Gotta sez that we likes deeply deeply digs the Dino-buddha-grin on our Dino's face in the first pix.  Just glancin' at our Dino can't help but bring a similiar grin to his devotees' faces as well!

Once 'gain we gives our awesome appreciato to our Dino-holic pallie Scotty-o for searchin' and sharin' more 'n more perfect poses of our one and only Dino....helpin' to bring more and more of his readership into knowin', lovin' and honorin' our one and only Dino!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra 1966

Comedian and Actor Jack Carter is pictured in the first photograph as well.


  1. Thank you my friend for your kind words and continued support, i appreciate it. I hope to be able to learn more about this event that Frank and Dean were attending in 1966. I do know the one line of info on them referred to an event for Dean. Another mystery that needs to be solved. :-)

    As always thank you my friend for your continued hard work bringing us all the news on the greatest entertainers of all time, Mr. Dean Martin.

    Have a nicer week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes as always Scotty-o, you are most welcome and the pleasure is all ours to be able to share all your Dino-devotion with the larger Dino-world. Keeps lovin' 'n keeps sharin' our most most beloved Dino!

  3. LOve these pics Scott! Truly brings me to a BETTER place! Thanks for sharin, pal!

  4. Thank you Danny G. and DMP as always! Keep up the great work.

    Can you believe it is Friday already? I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend.

