Friday, August 28, 2015

Dean Martin never really drank,

Hey pallies, likes if anyone ever lived their dream if woulda been our most most beloved Dino...livin' life to the max and always always on his own terms.  Well today we'll share some patter with youse 'bout a dude (with a Dino-connection of course!) who is also livin' their dream by usin' their scribin' skills to "write about Ultimate Luxury Experiences: People, Places and Things."

His tag is Jim Dobson and his bio tells us that he has  "been a writer and world explorer for over 30 years. I am highly experienced in exotic travel and luxury adventures and have been lucky to work and travel with some of the biggest celebrities and corporate executives." And, likes of course one of dem "biggest celebrites" is none other then our Dino.

Today we share a short segment of Dobson's recent post for "ForbesLife" tagged "Living Like Sinatra: The Ultimate Rat Pack Weekend in Palm Springs."  Likes when and where did Jim encounter our most beloved Dino and his pallies Mr. Sinatra and Mr. Davis Jr.?  Likes as youse will read below, Jim was one of the luckiest teenagers ever 'cause his daddy-o worked in the casino biz and Jim met our Dino and the rest of the pack as he grew up "in the 60's and 70's in Lake Tahoe.  Likes gotta 'fess up that we are ubber extraordinarily  envious of Jim startin' his "ultimate luxury experiences" hangin' 'round our ubber ultimate Dino!

Likes we're thinkin' that we are goin' to have to do some ol' 'net searchin' to see if we can find any other scribin's by Mr. Jim Dobson 'bout our King of Cool.  To read his post in total, simply, as usual, clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-'mazed, DMP

Living Like Sinatra: The Ultimate Rat Pack Weekend in Palm Springs

By Jim Dobson Contributor

I was a pretty lucky kid. I remember growing up in the casino business where my father worked, and being surrounded by a lot of legendary people. From family gatherings with Frank Sinatra, to hanging out backstage with Sammy Davis Jr. at every one of his concerts, it was an exciting life for a freckled faced, innocent kid. I would come to meet the members of the Rat Pack purely by the company we kept. As a wide eyed teenager I got to know them fairly well; Dean Martin never really drank, Sammy Davis was more spiritual than you could imagine and Frank was always entertaining beautiful women. They were a part of my life growing up in the 60’s and 70’s in Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. and Frank Sinatra
Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. and Frank Sinatra

 Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin golfing in Palm Springs
Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin golfing in Palm Springs


  1. As the song say's..."Lucky fella"!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes we knew this woulda draws your Dino-attentionado....if only you or we had had such a golden Dino-opportunity! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Apple juice instead of scotch in our Dino's glass much of the time?

  4. One more thought....

    Our Dino's timing was impeccable, and almost everyone who worked with him spoke of that skill. Someone who is sloshed couldn't pull off such a feat over and over again.

  5. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, we believe that for much of his cool career, our most beloved Dino had apple juice instead of J&B in his glass...but as he grew older his liquid libations were more and more the real thin' Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  6. DMP,
    Yes, later in his career, our Dino did more drinking onstage and just before going onstage. After the untimely death of Dino, Jr., our Dino drank a lot. Understandable. The grief lasted till our Dino's final days.

    Just last week, a 25-year-old in our family died suddenly. We're still awaiting the results of the police investigation to see if it was a suicide, an accidental shooting, or a murder. My family's grief is overwhelming. This young man was a fine young man with two young children of such tender ages that they don't understand why their Daddy is no longer here.

  7. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, that indeed was the time we were referrin' to ma'am. Thanks for trustin' us to share that hard news in your very sad, especially for those young children and their mother.

  8. DMP,
    I haven't been making blog rounds much lately. I'm sure that you can understand why.

  9. Miss AOW, indeed we do try to understand. The blog posts will always be there in the future if you want to review them....for now and the days ahead, you need to care for yourselves and your family in need.
