Thursday, July 30, 2015

Dean Martin old school cars collection 2015

Hey pallies, likes here's 'nother gem of a vid for all us pallies who can't ever ever gets 'nough of our Dino's life and times.  Today we share a little vid, found at youtube, tagged "Dean Martin old school cars collections 2015."  It's almost two minutes of incredible images of those remarkable rides that our Dino enjoyed cruisin' in over his lifetime.

Likes how grand of the dude tagged  "goodlife2015,: who obviously is big into cool cars, to take the time and make the effort to custom create a vid accentin' the Dino-collection of ridin' pleasure.  We stands in awe of how pallies with deep devotion to our Dino have created virtual vids of their particular passions.  How amazin' to know that there is simply no end to the ways we can individually and personally show our awesome adulation of our most most beloved Dino.

We shouts out our thanks to "goodlife2015" for their excellent efforts in the cause of helpin' others grow in their knowledge and devotion to our King of Cool.  Dino-sharin', DMP


  1. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, thanks ever so much, and likes even better then this "Fantastic find! is the deepest, purest, and truest devotion to our Dino behind the dude who took all the time to create this most Dino-honorin' vid! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  2. Awesome! Cool cool rides for the coolest cat cruisin'!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes we digs your coolly creative Dino-description...."Cool cool rides for the coolest cat cruisin'!" Keeps lovin' and diggin' our most beloved Dino!
