Monday, May 04, 2015

Yosina on flirting with Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes our pallies at google 'lerts continue to provide us with likes just a ton of Dino-'lerts that are providin' so so much of delightful devotion to our Dino from all corners of the entire Dino-universe!

A recent 'lert sent our way went to the Aussie blog "ten play" where a vid from the down under version of "Family Feud" was posted.  Well, likes no matter what we did we weren't able to get it to bein' persistent we simply used the info on the link "yosina-on-flirting-with-dean-martin" and took ourselves to youtube hopin' that the Dino-action was posted there.

And, likes magic, we did indeed find the vid that has been posted below of a lady named Yosina who tells here true life story in 1964 of bein' in London with her husband and havin' a cabbie take them to a posh Chinese Restaurant. Likes low and behold who was also at said eatery  but  Miss Shirley MacLaine, our Dino, and as she tags him..".the little fella"....Mr. Sammy Davis Jr.   Well, Miss Yosina kept tookin' at our most beloved Dino (who wouldn't?!?!?!?!).... and likes couldn't keep her eyes off of him...and when our Dino looked back, he gave her a little wink!

Likes it warms our Dino-hearts to hear this lady after over 50 years rememberin' and retellin' her own personal Dino-encounter...always always so so refreshin' to share how pallies have had life transformin' experiences when they find themselves  in the immediate presence of our King of Cool!
Nothin' and we mean nothin' couldn't be more amazin' then that!  We thanks Miss Yosina for tellin her Dino-tale and for the pallies at the Down Under version of Family Feud puttin' it on Youtube for the Dino-delight of Dino-holics everywhere!  Clicks on the tag of this Dino-post to find the spot we were first directed to.  Always, Dino, Always, DMP

Yosina on flirting with Dean Martin - Family Feud Australia

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