Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Great Drinkers: Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes we are pleased as punch to today shares with youse Dino-holics even one more excitin' example of Dino-devotion internationale!  Today we meet with Portuguese blogger Mr. Joseph Edward Janczukowicz who hangs his hat at the swingin' drinkin' blog tagged "Liguido & Certo" that translates in English to "Liquid and Reliable."  Now this is one popular blog as we note that Janczukowicz facebook page based on his blog has 124,122 pallies who digs it!

So, likes just thinks of all the folks who Joseph Edward is helpin' into the Dino-fold with his powerfully potent post, "Great Drinkers: Dean Martin."  Who likes coulda be more worthy then our most beloved Dino of bein' lifted up at a waterin' hole likes "Liquid and Reliable?".....none we dare say!

Mr. Janczukowicz shares some noteworthy notes on the life and times of our Dino and when it comes to speakin' of our Dino's drinkin' habits, he notes "Among the members of the 'Rat Pack,'  Dean Martin was the most moderate drinker."  Joseph Edward shares some interestin' insights to the drinkin' habits of the pack, which we and we knows youse will find 'specially edifyin' as well.

We salutes  Portugian Mr. Joseph Edward Janczukowicz  for his diggin' our our Dino and spreadin' the Dino-tale to his considerable readership who we are share to be pleased in bein' school in the life and times of our King of Cool.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

  Great Drinkers: Dean Martin

dean martin

Great Drinkers: Dean Martin

Written by Joseph Edward Janczukowicz

film , Dean Martin , heavy drinkers , Hollywood , Martini , Music , watering hole of chat , Whiskey  Nightcap

He was one of the most admired artists, loved and tietados 20th century.

With career in radio, television, film and music industry.

From 1953 to 1978 he recorded nearly 40 albums, with a total of recorded songs that were in the house of 600.

From 1949 to 1984, he ran almost 60 films.

Dean Martin was born in Steubenville, Ohio, USA, on June 7, 1917 and died on December 27, 1995, in Beverly Hills. Birth name: Dino Paul Crocetti. Martin later added, comes from its assumed preference for a good martini.

And before Dean Martin, there was Dino Martini, his first stage name. He started singing in small orchestras. Quickly, his velvet voice and his beautiful print took him the best night clubs of the American circuit. One of them was in New York he met comic Jerry Lewis.

It was born a great partnership that resulted in 12 films, of successful national and international order and that lasted 10 years.

Both tired and happened to separation. The reasons were never clear. The public, of course, much lamented.

From there, Dean and Jerry set out to successful solo careers.

In Dean Martin path was the big superstar Frank Sinatra. He's practically adopted and integrates a group called "Rat Pack". They completed the group Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop.

Be part of the "Rat Pack" was a privilege always captained by Frank Sinatra. Parties, women, drinks and many shows, and stays in beautiful places.

More meant attend the films in which almost all members were always invited. A brotherhood without any embarrassment!

The most famous film of the group was "Ocean's Eleven" Ocean's Eleven and A Secret, 1960.

One of the first drinks most appreciated by members of the "Rat Pack" was the whiskey Chivas Regal. With the coming of Prohibition and the interruption of imports, the group gradually came to appreciate a genuine American beverage: whiskey Jack Daniel's.

Legend has it that Frank Sinatra did not rise to the stage without first taking a Jack Daniel's dose with three ice cubes into the glass. His fondness for the drink was so strong that he convinced his friend Dean Martin to found, in 1950, the "Jack Daniels Country Club". It was a private college where even the select group wore only custom jackets with an emblem exclusively created.

The taste for cocktails in a person like Sinatra never sounded as "loss of control". Represented more a charm bid. Served up to rank friends. There were those who accompany him through the night: Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr.

Despite appearing to be a sort of "Club of Marble", it was common to find the "Rat Pack" surrounded by beautiful actresses also adept at a good drink, like Judy Garland, Shirley MacLaine , Lauren Bacall .

Among the members of the "Rat Pack," Dean Martin was the most moderate drinker. Depending on the occasion, he went back to sipping martinis that both loved and even margaritas.

Dean Martin has two stars on the Walk of Fame, located at 6519 Hollywood Boulevard and in 6651 Hollywood Boulevard. The first refers to his film work, while the second refers to his work on television.

If there is a sport that Dean Martin practiced and "loved" I was dating and married. There were three official wives, with whom he had seven children and adopted an eighth.

Grandes Bebedores: Dean Martin
dean martin


Grandes Bebedores: Dean Martin

Escrito por José Edward Janczukowicz

 cinema, Dean Martin, grandes bebedores, Hollywood, Martini, Musica, papo de boteco, Whiskey  Saideira  Comentar

Ele foi um dos artistas mais admirados, amados e tietados do século 20.

Com carreira no rádio, televisão, cinema e indústria fonográfica.

De 1953 a 1978 gravou perto de 40 discos, com um total de músicas que contabilizadas estavam na casa das 600.

De 1949 a 1984, rodou quase 60 filmes.

Dean Martin nasceu em Steubenville, Ohio, EUA, em 7 de junho de 1917, vindo a falecer em 27 de dezembro de 1995, em Beverly Hills. Nome de batismo: Dino Paul Crocetti. O Martin, posteriormente somado, vem de sua assumida preferência por um bom martini.

E antes de Dean Martin, existiu Dino Martini, seu primeiro nome artístico. Começou cantando em pequenas orquestras. Rapidamente, sua voz de veludo e sua bela estampa o levaram aos melhores night clubs do circuito americano. Foi num deles em Nova Iorque que conheceu o cômico Jerry Lewis.

Nascia uma grande parceria que resultou em 12 filmes, de sucesso de ordem nacional e internacional e que durou 10 anos.

Os dois cansaram e aconteceu a separação. Os motivos nunca foram claros. O público, claro, lamentou muito.

A partir daí, Dean e Jerry partiram para bem sucedidas carreiras solo.

No caminho de Dean Martin estava o grande superstar Frank Sinatra. Ele é praticamente adotado e integra um grupo denominado “Rat Pack”. Completavam o grupo Sammy Davis Jr.,  Peter Lawford e Joey Bishop.

Fazer parte do “Rat Pack” era um privilégio sempre capitaneado por Frank Sinatra. Festas, mulheres, drinques e muitos shows, além de estadias em lugares paradisíacos.

Mais, significava participar dos filmes em que praticamente todos os membros sempre eram convidados. Uma confraria sem nenhum constrangimento!

O filme mais conhecido do grupo foi “Ocean´s Eleven”, Onze Homens e Um Segredo, de 1960.

Uma das primeiras bebidas mais apreciadas pelos membros do “Rat Pack” foi o uísque Chivas Regal. Com a vinda da Lei Seca e a interrupção das importações, o grupo paulatinamente passou a apreciar uma bebida genuinamente americana: o uísque Jack Daniel´s.

Reza a lenda que Frank Sinatra não subia ao palco sem antes tomar uma dose de Jack Daniel’s com três cubos de gelo no copo. Sua predileção pela bebida era tão forte que ele convenceu o amigo Dean Martin a fundar, em 1950, o “Jack Daniels Contry Club”. Era uma agremiação privada onde inclusive o seleto grupo só usava paletós personalizados com um emblema exclusivamente criado.

O gosto pelos coquetéis numa pessoa como Sinatra nunca soou como “perda de controle”. Representava mais um lance de charme. Servia até para classificar os amigos. Existiam os que o acompanham noite a dentro: Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr.

Apesar de aparentar ser uma espécie de “Clube do Bolinha”, era frequente encontrar os “Rat Pack” rodeados de bela atrizes, também adeptas de um bom drinque, como Judy Garland, Shirley MacLaine, Lauren Bacall.

Dentre os integrantes do “Rat Pack”, Dean Martin era o bebedor mais moderado. Dependendo das ocasiões, voltava a sorver os martinis que tanto adorava e até margaritas.

Dean Martin possui duas estrelas na Calçada da Fama, localizadas em 6519 Hollywood Boulevard e em 6651 Hollywood Boulevard. A primeira se refere ao seu trabalho no cinema, enquanto que a segunda é referente ao seu trabalho na televisão.

Se há um esporte que Dean Martin praticou e “gostava muito” era namorar e casar. Foram três esposas oficiais, com as quais teve sete filhos e adotou um oitavo.


  1. How wonderful to see so many people from all over the planet and all walks of life who seem to have at least one thing in common - Dean Martin.This blog was a great read with a lot interesting nuggets of info. I did not realize how many albums and songs that Dino recorded. If you get more then two albums from a typical artist today that is a lot. It just proves once again that real talent will always win out against cheap gimmicks.

    Thank you my friend for bringing this gem our way!

    Have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, likes we are so so proud of your growin' knowledge of our Dino...and proud to be able to be of service in growin' your devotion to our Dino! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
