Wednesday, May 20, 2015

And only a master of assimilation like Dino could get away with rhyming “alone” and “dark.”

Scott Marks
Hey pallies, likes we loves searchin', findin', and sharin' so so much amazin' Dino-devotion from every corner of the ol' world wide web.  Likes today we have the pleasure of sharin' the wonderous writin' skills of Mr. Scott Marks, a film critic, teacher, and blogger from the San Diego area.  Mr. Mark's blog, "BIG SCREEN," is a regular feature for the "San Diego Reader," where he recently featured our most beloved Dino's cool croonin' in his scribin's tagged "Ten songs that make you want to fall in love with (at?) the movies 10."

Marks immediately grabbed our attention when we opened the page that contains his column where we were stunnin'ly struck by a powerfully profound pix accentin' a movie house marquee featurin' our Dino's classic sex farce, "Kiss Me Stupid" with a lovin' couple sharin' a most romantico kiss.

While KMS is not a part of this particular flick column from Marks, it certainly sets a marvelous mood for  Scott's topic of that relate to fallin' in amore at the movies.  We were thrilled to see that Mr. Marks chose not one, but two Dino-tunes for his  ten tune list. 

 Numero duo is the title tune from our Dino and Mr. Lewis' last big screen effort
"Hollywood Or Bust."  We knew that we were kindred spirits with Scott when we read him opine, "I’ve parked my tootsies in front of it at least two dozen times."  And, as you listen to our Dino singin' the song (which you can do if you clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram, indeed it is a splendid song 'bout fallin' head over heels.

Numero tres is a Dino-croon that we ain't ever heard before and as Scott states, " When or where Dino’s swingin’ rendition was taped remains a mystery, but it’s easily the lustiest rendition on record."  “Take Your Girlie to the Movies" (if you can't make love at home) is simply simply fun! fun! fun! dudes and we thanks Marks for givin' us the op to make our acquaintance with what has to be one of our most beloved Dino's most provocative croons!  You certainly will wanna clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram to listen to it at Scott's scribin's.

We salute Mr. Scott Marks great great Dino-taste and for sharin' these two very extraordinary examples of  fallin' in love Dino-singin'.  Dino-happy, DMP

Kiss me, stupid.

Kiss me, stupid.


Ten songs that make you want to fall in love with (at?) the movies
By Scott Marks, April 1, 2015

 2) “Hollywood or Bust” by Dean Martin
“Hollywood or Bust” by Dean Martin

Frank Tashlin’s splendiferous live-action Technicolor cinematoon, Hollywood or Bust, turned out to be Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis’s swansong. Being such as it was, the animosity between the boys was so pronounced, unless the cameras were rolling they refused to directly address one another during the production. Lewis swears that to this day he has never watched the film fearing the bad memories it would stir.

I’ve parked my tootsies in front of it at least two dozen times, and Jerry, you don’t know what you’re missing. Movie maniacs from Kansas to Pennsylvania consider it a must to commit to memory Paul Webster’s catchy lyrics to Sammy Fain’s irrepressible tune. Look past the stardust and glamor, tinsel, and bubbles to find a neon playground infused with burgers, weenies, and bathing beauties in their bikinis.

3) “Take Your Girlie to the Movies” by Dean Martin

Dino again, this time reviving a 1919 chestnut that was a big hit for Billy Murray, the most popular pre-Jolson male singer in America. Murray-phile Sam Umland notes, “The song reveals how quickly the movie theater became a popular setting for the courtship ritual.”

Pete Wendling composed the tuneful ditty with lyrics by Edgar Leslie and Bert Kalmar. Kalmar and longtime partner Harry Ruby’s dulcet contributions to Animal Crackers, Horse Feathers, and Duck Soup would earn them the distinction of being the Marx Bros. songwriting team of choice. When or where Dino’s swingin’ rendition was taped remains a mystery, but it’s easily the lustiest rendition on record.

Why fuss and bother with at-home distractions like nosy younger siblings when for a buck-twenty the two of you can make out to Ty Power in a public place and with an uncomfortable armrest intervening? Commencing with a red-blooded wolf whistle, Martin encourages lovers to spend seven reels creating “love scenes of your own.” And only a master of assimilation like Dino could get away with rhyming “alone” and “dark.”

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