Monday, April 20, 2015

Scotty's Sharin': Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra Prepare to Board a Learjet, 1965

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Hey pallies, likes he's done it 'gain dudes!  Our greatest of great Dino-adorin' pallie Scotty-o over at "BlueisKewl" has shared 'nother great Dino-find with his growin'-in-Dino readership.  Circa 1965 is a powerful pose of our most beloved Dino and Mr. Sinatra preparin' to board a Lear jet.

Likes, it's crazy dudes, 'cause likes after we saw the first pix, we likes said to ourselves that we wishes that they was a more up close and personal shot of this, and when we scrolled down on Scotty's post...there it was a second pix mucho mucho more up close!  Likes it's like Scotty was readin' our Dino-minds!

We 'gain sez, likes thanks so so very much Scotty-o for your continuous contributions to the cause of Dino-devotion here at ilovedinomartin and for, likes helpin' big time in spreadin' the message of Dino-cool 'round the universe!  To checks this out in it's original source,  simply clicks on the tag of this  Dino-gram.

Gotta 'fess up that likes we are wonderin' what sorta patterin' was goin' on between our most beloved Dino and his beloved pallie Mr. Frank Sinatra.  The world is truly truly full of so so much Dino-mystery!  Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!   I remain,  Yours in Dino, Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra Prepare to Board a Learjet, 1965

Photographed by John Bryson.


  1. AWESOME pic Scotty my pal! Thanks for sharin'!

  2. Thank you Danny G. and DMP for your kind words - i really do appreciate it.

    I really liked these captures of two of the greatest entertainers of all time at the top of there game. You know you really made it when you had your own Learjet - esp in the 1960's. I really would have liked to see them inside of the plane. Who knows - maybe those shots will turn up some day if they exist.

    I hope everyone has a great week.


  3. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, as usual the pleasure is all woulda be so cool to see the inside of the jet with our Dino and Mr. Sinatra flyin' high! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
