Sunday, April 19, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Last Time I Saw Paris"

What's shakin', pals?
 Now THIS is Spring! Am I right?
 Sunny skies! Singin' birds! Cool breezes & mornin' showers. Don't forget a yummy drink or two! Haha!!
 Sounds good to me, pallies!

 Hey pals...youse know that ol' expression..."Youse can't teach an ol' doggie new tricks"? Well, mi amici...I guess that goes for ol' Dino-holics too!
Lets me explain.
 Few days back...I had a GREAT idea to keep the Springtime groove flowin' with 'nother GREAT GREAT tune off Dino's "French Style" al b um.  Same al b um as last week's Serenade. SO SO perfect for the season!

Well...guess what?
 Diggin' through my archives of Serenades...sure 'nuff...not only did I ALREADY do today's jam...BUT...I HAD THE SAME IDEA THEN AS I DO NOW!
 Man o REALLY got me thinkin' brain is COM PLETE LY Dino-programmed! hahaha!!!

O well, pals...nothin' wrong with that!

So...that bein' said...let's have a little "deja vu".
 I'm takin' us back to May 4th, 2013.
 And yes...this is STILL a perfecto follow up to last week's Serenade. we go...hopes youse still dig on this encore's 2 year revival...
"The Last Time I Saw Paris"! Haha!!
 Never gets old to me, pals!

The last time I saw Paris
Her heart was warm and gay
I heard the laughter of her heart
In every street cafe
The last time I saw Paris
Her trees were dressed for spring
And lovers walked beneath those trees
And birds found songs to sing
I dodged the same old taxicabs
That I had dodged for years
The chorus of the squeaky horns
Was music to my ears
Oh, the last time I saw Paris
Her heart was warm and gay
No matter how they changed her
I'll remember her ah that way
Dodged the same old taxicabs
That I had dodged for years
The chorus of the squeaky horns
Was music to my ears
Yeah, the last time I saw Paris
Her heart was warm and gay
No matter how they change her
I'll remember her that way
The last time I saw Paris
The last time I saw Paris


  1. It really is starting to feline spring here in New England and what better way to celebrate then by listing to a classic DM song. What a perfect choice!

    Thank you for all your great work!

    Have a great week.


  2. So bouncy and cheerful!

    Often, this song is performed as a melancholy ballad because this song catered to a wartime nostalgia for songs about European cities following the Second World War Battle of France (which brought Paris under Nazi control).

    Our Dino knew better than to make "The Last Time I Saw Paris" a melancholy ballad years after WW2 was over and Paris rebuilt! Also, styles in music changed from the time this song was published in 1940 and our Dino's recording of it (1962). The time for nostalgia was over, and an optimistic era was in force. Who better than our Dino to convey optimism in song?

  3. Thanks Scotty ol' boy & I couldn't agree more, pal!
    Ms. AOW...youse speaketh such PURE & POWERFUL words of wisdom! Alleluia! Haha!!
