Monday, April 27, 2015

Joshua Meggitt: Special Dino-programme on RRR102.7 Melbourne

Hey pallies likes are we in for the hugest of huge Dino-treats as today, as promised we share our newest pallie, down under dude Mr. Joshua Meggitt's  coolest of cool "celebration" of our hour long radio programme that is a marvelous  mix of  '70's and '80's Dino-croons and choice audio recordin's from our Dino's later work on both the small and big screens.

Featured on  the Max Headroom show from radio RRR 102.7 FM in Melbourne, Australia on 23 April 15,  the description of the show that we shared  here includes these wise words......

"Over his long and varied career, Dean Martin, "The King of Cool", was a heart throb, crooner, film star and leading member of the rat pack.

 He was also known as "The Laziest Man In Showbiz", churning out countless albums of stale standards and hosting formulaic, TV specials for over 40 years.

On Max Headroom this week, Joshua Meggitt explores this lacklustre Dino, playing choice filler from his later albums, with excerpts from such cinematic highlights asThe Cannonball Run 2."

Mr. Meggitt, as promised sent us a link here for all us Dino-philes to be able to listen to each and ever glorious minute of his hour of remarkable reflections on the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino.

Near the beginnin' of the programme, Josh shares these wise and wonderful words 'bout our Dino with his audience.......

"....and Dino who we are celebrating tonight on Max  Headroom..singer, film actor, film, TV star, comedian, hipster.  Dean Martin was the consummate low brow entertainer, spreading  his wares thin and making a lot of money.   Today he is largely remembered as kind of a lazier version of Frank Sinatra, a Las Vegas self-parody, kind of like Elvis.  His reputation rests on a few comedies he made with Jerry Lewis early on, and some charming pieces of pop fluff that once topped the charts with retro lounge revivals and appearances in mafia films.  even by the later years of his own career, his early days as a global charismatic romantic icon were long forgotten.  And, let I can't look away from these productions.  There is something so endearing in his careless I don't give a damn attitude."

And in his epistle to us that shared the link Josh also shared these words of deep, pure, and true devotion to our most beloved Dino....

"Dino is indeed one of my favourite artists and he gives so, so much. When I mention "lazy, lacklustre", I'm suing the terms very affectionately. I read the Nick Tosches book some time ago and absolutely loved it, and his word son Dino and his indifference to success were very inspiring. This is what I'm referring to, and I think his indifference to the world , and going further, his outright hostility to success, and everything, was what I was celebrating."

 We gotta 'fess up that we  grooved on each and ever moment of this purely potent programme of passionate appreciato for our King of Cool.  We particularly loved listenin' to a number of croons from our Dino's last al-b-um, "The Nashville Sessions."  And, we couldn't 'gree more with Josh that these particular croons really are remarkably revelatory of our Dino's life and times at that point...truly these croons form a stellar set of Dino-teachin's!!!!!

We coulda goes on and on, 'bout the wonderful mixin' of Mr. Meggitt's Dino-reflections with our Dino's singin', but likes we wants  youse all to enjoy this amazin' programme lovin'ly presented by in-the-know Dino-holic Mr. Joshua Meggitt.

We salute Josh for this tremendous tribute to our main man and for encouragin' his audience to develop a deeper understandin' and relationship with of our Dino by readin' Nick Tosche's Dino-bio, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dream.  And thanks ever so much to pallie Josh for even givin' a nice shout out to our humble little Dino-blog, ilovedinomartin. for doin' our part to promote his Dino-special.

In the deepest of deep Dino-appreciation, DMP


  1. What a very interesting blog and link to a radio program that i have been listening in the background while i work on my computer. It really is something special!

    Thank you to 'ilovedinomartin' for bringing another gem our way!


  2. Hey pallie, likes youse Scotty-o, I have been listenin' and re-listenin' to Josh's coolest of cool Dino-programme over and over and each times I do, I learns somethin' new 'bout our Dino and loves him even more! It truly truly is, as you sez, "something special!" Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. I had to add a big Congrats to 'ilovedinomartin' for a great radio program and that i really enjoyed. I would have never herd about it if it was not for you and a lot of the material was new to me and very interesting. And as an added bonus you got a shout out at the end!

    You hit a home run with this one my friend.

    Have a nice week.


  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, we just thrilled that your are so pleased with the programme as we are. We just can't get 'nough of Josh's magnificant presention....a truly enormous educational op! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  5. Many thanks to you all! glad you enjoyed it. Will let you know of any future Dino activity and will remain glued to your fine blog

  6. Hey pallie, likes Josh, you are most welcome dude! We've been groovin' on your powerfully potent programme mucho since you shared the link....the choice of croons and clips from our Dino's small screen efforts...your research and writin' of your own patter is as dense, dark, and rich as a high class chocolate desert which we are findin' ourselves cravin' more and more each and every day. We are 'bout to listen to part of your programme soon as we finish this comment.

    Might you consider takin' your notes from this programme and creatin' some Dino-prose for us as we finds it spot on in deep, pure, and true devotion to our are one of few who truly "gets Martin" in our Dino-book.

    Anythin' you would like to offer will much muchly appreciated! Thrilled you found ilovedinomartin, thrilled you are goin' to "stay glued." Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
