Sunday, April 26, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Memory Lane"

Welcome back mi amici! Are youse ready for 'nother Sunday Serenade with our Numero Uno Paisano, Dino?
 Great! Me too! Haha!!
 Found us a good one...kinda...eerie, actually! Haha!!
 It's got that "old vinyl sound". But's more than just that old sound that makes it HAUNTINGLY cool!
 It's lyrics REALLY seem to come from a DARK place. More of a "Halloween type vibe" really.

VERY different than ANY other one of Dean's tunes that I've jammed with!
 I'm not even sure WHERE it came from, pallies! Hahaha!!! Can't seem to track down any certain al b um it was originally on!

 Could this be Dino reachin' out to us from beyond?!
 Could this be some lost Dino-gem sent down from the Heaven's?!
 Feels like I fell asleep & woke up in 1944!
 The ghost of Dean is comin' to get me!!! Ahhhhhh!!! Man o man, pals...I'm gettin creeped out!!! Haha!!
Alright Dan...relax...chill out...just breathe...breathe...breathe... OK pals...I'm calm now. Just got caught up in the Dino-moment. Ha!
Took a little ride with Dean...I'm back.

Well pallies...let's ALL take this spooky little trip with Dino together now. Close your eyes...hold on tight... we jumpin' back to some days gone by & Dean's there waitin'.
 Let's take a stroll down "Memory Lane".

I am with you wandering through memory lane
Living the years, laughter and tears over again
I am dreaming yet of the night we met
When life was a lovely refrain
You were so shy saying goodbye there in the dark
Only a glance full of romance and you were gone
Though my dreams are in vain, my love will remain
Strolling again memory lane with you
I am dreaming yet of the night we met
When life was a lovely refrain
You were so shy saying goodbye there in the dark
Only a glance full of romance and you were gone
Though my dreams are in vain, my love will remain
Strolling again memory lane with you



  1. I have never herd this song before so anything 'NEW' by DM is a real treat for me. I have to admit that it really does have a bit of a 'Halloween type vibe' as you mentioned and it is nice to hear something with that 'old vinyl sound'. I read an article today that vinyl is making a bit of a comeback and that people want that 'old vinyl sound' since most music today sounds just too processed!

    Thank you for bringing this special song our way!

    Have a great week

