Sunday, April 05, 2015

Danny G's Special Easter Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Just One More Chance"

Happy Easter, pallies! Buona Pasqua to all my Dino-lovin' paisani!
What a WON DER FUL holiday!
 Probably my fave!
The world is thawin' out & blue skies are rollin' in!
 I even saw the first tulips peekin' up at me yesterday! Haha! What can I say, pals...I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR!!! Ha!!!

Now I don't know 'bout youse...but to me...Easter is ALL 'bout havin' 'nother chance to start thins' over!
Anythin' youse might have wished you did...but didn't. Anythin' youse might want to try for the very first time!
 No matter what it is, pallies...NOW'S THE TIME! Let today be your day for a brand new start!

Now...while youse is soakin' in ALL that wisdom (hahaha)...I want youse to ALSO soak in today's SPECIAL Easter Serenade...which is ALL 'bout gettin' 'nother chance.
 "Just One More Chance" is such a COOL COOL croon for this COOL COOL season! It sets the mood perfectly! So so mellow...So so pure. Dean at his finest. Absorb it, pals.
 Dino OB VI OUS LY knew the importance of takin' chances.
 Youse will never know what might have been... if youse DON'T, pallies!
 Let Dean & this nice & easy tune be your inspiration to try somethin' new this year.
Maybe call someone youse haven't talked to in awhile...maybe even try to repair a broken situation that's been on your mind.
 Whatever the case may be...Dino's got your back! AMEN!
 Here's wishin' the WARMEST & HAPPIEST Easter to each & every one of my Dino-brothers & sisters!

Just one more chance
To prove it's you alone I care for
Each night I say a little prayer for
Just one more chance

Just one more night
To taste the kisses that enchant me
I'd want no others if you'd grant me
Just one more chance

I've learned the meaning of repentance
Now you're the jury at my trial
I know that I should serve my sentence
Still I'll hoping all the while
You'll give me
Just one more word
I said that I was glad to start out
But now I'm back to cry my heart out
For just one more chance

I've learned the meaning of repentance
Now you're the jury at my trial
I know that I should serve my sentence
Still I'll hoping all the while
You'll give me
Just one more word
I said that I was glad to start out
But now I'm back to cry my heart out
For just one more chance


  1. These Holy Days on the Christian calendar provide the perfect time for each of us to reconcile with our fellowman.


    Danny G,
    You have posted a Dino tune with which I was not familiar until now. Thanks so much for posting this tune!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we wanna applaud the extra effort you have put in to share just the right teachin's of our Dino on this day.... You wise words combined with our Dino's tremendous teachin's make this the perfect Sunday Serenade with Dino.
    Keeps lovin'. keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Ms. AOW, youse is SO SO right! This is DEF the season for new beginnins' & second chances! Glad youse dug the tune!

    Hey pallie, DMP, thanks for the praise! No better teacher than our BESTEST pal, Dean! & as always...the pleasure is all mine!

  4. What a beautiful sounding song that seems perfect for Easter. Thank you for posting this extra special song. I hope you and everyone had a wonderful Easter Holiday!

    Have a great week.

