Thursday, March 05, 2015

Terry's Crush On Our Dino

Hey pallies, likes have we got the rarest of rare Dino-treats for youse this very Dino-day.  Sometime durin' Dino-amore month a google 'lert directed us to youtube where we found  likes this swankest of swank appearance by our most beloved  Dino on the Danny Thomas show tagged "Make Room For Daddy."  From 1958, the season 5 episode, "Terry's crush" accents Danny's teenage daughter Terry, played by Miss Sherry Jackson's hugest of huge crush on none other then our Dino!

Danny, tryin' to bring his daughter down to earth enlisted the help of our Dino to come home and meet Terry, but she's likes she's fallin' head over heels for our great great man...and likes why wouldn't she?!?!?!?!

The whole show is truly truly worthy of your viewin' time, but likes if you only what to catch the Dino-action, it begins 'bout 8:40 in the vid.  Except perhaps for the style of the clothin' and bein' filmed in black and white, it's like it coulda been filmed today.  One of the hugest of highlights is hearin' our Dino croonin' "I Don't Know Why I Love You Likes I Do" to the absolutely smitten teenager Terry.

Everythin' works out as it is supposed to in the end, 'cause likes in the 50's TV always always had a happy endin'!  We sez our thanks to a pallie tagged "Zardon M" who has put this absolutely fantastic find of Dino-actin' up on youtube for Dino-philes everywhere to be filled with passionable pleasure for our King of Cool!   Dino-psyched, DMP


  1. This is fantastic!

    I grew up watching Make Room for Daddy but don't remember having seen this episode -- though I might have. I wonder what year this was on TV.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW if you checks the patter we wrote you will note it was aired in 1958. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. I missed that! Must have been my fatigue from shoveling snow all day today.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, if we recall where you live is not used to big big snowfalls....bets you had school off. Hopes you took in huge quanities of our Dino to ease your body aches from shovelin'! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  5. Great find pallie! Never seen this. DE LIGHT FUL!!!

  6. Hey pallie, likes we knew that you too woulda digs this Dino-appearance likes the mostest! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  7. The video seems to have been taken down :( I've been looking everywhere for this episode. Please let me know if you find it :/ Love Dino so much!

  8. Hey pallie, likes Miss Annie, thanks for sharin' our powerful passion for our most beloved Dino. If the vid comes to our attention 'gain we will be sure to share it. The best way to get the latest and greatest Dino-devotion is to stop by as often as your are able, 'cause likes in this case, the vids obviously don't stay up long in some cases, which, of course, we likes have no control over. Keeps lovin' our great great man...and we hopes to hear from your often!
