Friday, March 06, 2015

Dean Martin Dates Lucille Ball

Hey pallies, likes how do you follow up a fabulous Dino-appearance likes yesterday's with our most beloved Dino appearin' on "Make Room For Daddy?"   Well, likes of course with 'nother fabulous small screen Dino-episode.  This time 'round we are featurin' that very very famous appearance by our great great man with the great great Miss Lucille Ball on her self-tagged series, "The Lucy Show."

From season four, Episode 21 first airin'  on February 14, 1966, "Lucy Dates Dean Martin" is the most classic of classic moments in all of television history with our most beloved Dino fillin' in as Lucy's date to a big charity ball for his double Eddie Feldman.  The chemistry between our Dino and Miss Ball is, of course amazin'ly awesome and it is such a tremendous thrill to see these two super stars workin' together.

Likes the most awesome moment for us is when near the end of the episode our most beloved Dino sings his most beloved croon, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."   We sez our thanks to Mr. Jack Pearce the youthful Dino-devotee who put this up at youtube.  How 'citin' to have such wondrous moments from the archives of television Dino-history!  In the deepest of Dino-appreciato, DMP


  1. Ah, yes! Valentine's Day, 1966! I was glued to the TV screen and even recorded the show on my Sony reel-to-reel recorder. No VHS or DVD recorders back then, of course.

    But now we have YouTube! What a blessing! We can get Dino blessings every day on YouTube!

    I wonder what the King of Cool would think of this medium, which also offers all the old Westerns that our Dino so loved. I doubt that he would watch himself on YouTube -- wasn't that kind of narcissistic guy.

  2. Love this vid! Dean is great, as usual, & Lucy accents his genius!

  3. Hey pallie, likes we loves how you remember the exact date and what you did when our Dino appeared with Miss Ball. Whatever our Dino might think of youtube it is a mighty mighty power to gets the Dino-message out to the masses....and of great assistance in keepin' the Dino-light glowin' Dino-bright! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o dem are some very wise words dude DINO IS GENIUS and Miss Ball accents our Dino very very nicely! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  5. Off topic....

    I just stumbled across this: Dynamic Duos in Classic Film Blogathon – Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis: Together Both.

    DMP, you may have seen the above before, but passing it along to you -- just in case.

  6. Hey pallie, likes first of all Miss AOW, if it's 'bout our Dino, then it is never ever off topic! The first post we have shared before 'cause I found some patter that I left. The second is new to ilovedinomartin and I am sure that we'll share it here real Dino-soon. Thanks for sharin' more Dino! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
