Friday, March 20, 2015

On This Day In Dino-history: March 21, 1964

Dean Martin's hand and footprint ceremony at Grauman's Chinese Theater

Hey pallies, likes on a much much much more happy note, it was also on this day, March 21, in the year of our Dino, 1964 that  our most most most beloved Dino  graciously consented to have his  handprints cemented at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.

Likes pallies  truly truly we coulda never ever be in better hands then when we place ourselves in the huge huge hands of our Dino.   When we gets to take our Dino-pilgrimage west, we most certainly will place our hands where Dino placed his and feel the  marvelous magic of bein' where our Dino has been.

Likes we are thrilled to be able to share a candid pose of our Dino and fam Martin at Grauman's the day this delightful Dino-event occurred.  Likes how cool to see all of Dino's prodigy sharin' in this marvelous moment in the life and times of our King of Cool.

ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Ron Smith at his timeless blog, "Eight Days A Week" for remindin' the universe this very day of this remarkable event in the life and times of our most beloved Dino.  Mr. Smith's original postin' is no longer at his blog, so we can't sends you there to see it.


  1. It is great to see a picture of DM and his family on that special day and also wonderful to see the end result. It
    would be great to see it in person but this is the next best thing. Thank you for bringing this posting our way!

    Have a great weekend.


  2. All Dino fans should make the pilgrimage to see and touch this!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, you are right on to see fam Martin supportin' their Dino daddy-o likes to the max. It's crystal clear that the fam is in awe of their father! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, indeed Miss AOW, this is one of the many and varied stops on the Dino-pilgrimate! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
