Sunday, March 22, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "It's 1200 miles From Palm Springs To Texas"

Hey pallies! How's thins'? Welcome to the FIRST...OFFICIAL...Sunday Serenade of Spring 2015!!!
 What gives?
 Why am I only hearin' crickets?
Is this thin' on?!
 No cheers?! No celebratin'?!  Haha!

I know...I know...IT'S SNOWIN'! IT'S FREEZIN'! Ol' Man Winter is playin' hard ball!
 Doesn't wanna leave town!
Believe me, pals...I'm wantin' some nice & warm sunshiny days too!
 Look...lf we gots to wait...a wee bit longer...for a REAL Spring day...I'm gonna do my BESTEST to bring Spring to us!

I found us a RARE little tune that was actually written SPECIFICALLY for Dean!
From what I've read, pallies...Dino was residin' in sunny Palm Springs, FLA., in April of 1958...& was asked to record a number for their annual...week long parade called the "Desert Circus".
 Just so happens that one of Dean's neighbors & pallie was famous song writer Sammy Cahn...or was it Jimmy Van Heusen? Well...was one of those fellas. Either way...they came up with "It's 1200 Miles From Palm Springs To Texas". (Texas was the theme that year) Dino was the OB VI OUS choice to get this jam swingin' & make the parade the best ever!
What a FESTIVAL it musta been, pals!

 Now thins' may STILL be cold & wintery here in good ol' New England, mi matter WHERE youse is...this Springtime Serenade is SURE to make it feel like your partyin' with HOT & SUNNY Palm Springs!!!

It's 1200 miles from Palm Springs to Texas
But tonight it's right next door
For a week each year, it's the old frontier
That's what brings them here, western atmosphere
You can't tell the dudes from real riding cowboys
When they sashay across the floor
There's the circus means, lots and lots of thrills
Folks from Houston yeah, and from Beverly Hills
Clowning from the Shamrock right to the Almiera door
You'll find it's 1200 miles from Palm Springs to Texas
But tonight it's right next door
Do you see that parade
Do you hear that parade
Coming down Palm Canyon drive
Well, if you see that parade
Come on and cheer that parade
If you're 8 or 85
Who's that riding up ahead
Why it's the Governor of Texas someone said
What's he doing up this way
Why it's Palm Springs and Texas day
Ah, you can't tell the dudes from real riding cowboys
When they sashay across the floor
Folks are trading in all their Cadillacs
For those pinto ponies and cowhide slacks
And there's no one left down at Neiman Marcus' Store
Because it's 1200 miles from Palm Spring to Texas
But tonight it's right next door


  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes you may remember ilovedinomartin's original post on this cool Dino-croon...

    Keeps lovin' keeps sharin' our most most beloved Dino!

  2. Missed that one , pallie. I guess great Dino-minds TRULY thinks alike! Hahaha!!!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes you didn't miss it at all dude 'cause you dropped some patter on that particular Dino-post...haha Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. O man! I'm losin' it! Haha!!

  5. What a great sounding song with such a upbeat feeling to it. It almost seems perfect for the new spring season. You picked the perfect song as usual - thank you for bringing this our way!

    Have a great week.

