Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Dean was just right and Lewis fumbling. successful formula.

Hey pallies, likes today we gets the privilege of sharin' some more internationale Dino-devotion with all youse Dino-philes....actually in this case devotion to both our most beloved Dino and his beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis.  Scribed by Brazilian  Mr. Eli Braz in Portuguese at his beautiful blog "Welcome to the 70's!  -  A blog made for those born in the 70s and was a teenager in the 80s or 90s TV, music, facts and trivia season. Relive the past,"  his post is tagged "Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin double the noise."

 Likes ain't it cool to know that devotion to the team of Martin and Lewis can be found 'round the entire globe?!?!?!?!  As Eli powerfully proclaims 'bout the greatest comedic team ever..."On them I will never stop talking. Represented much to my childhood, I say, to the childhood of many people."
From those openin' thoughts, Mr. Braz goes on to speak 'bout the partnership that our Dino and Mr. Lewis shared as well as their solo careers.

While there is nothin' written that hasn't been shared before here, we are thrilled to be able to share yet '  more proof positive of the international nature of adulation for our Dino, and in this case, for Mr. Lewis as well.  We sez our thanks to Mr. Eli Braz for so boldly and openin'ly sharin' his passion for Martin and Lewis with his readership....sure to bring many more into the Dino-fold! Clicks here to visit "Welcome to the 70's" and reads Braz's potent prose it it's original form.  Dino-sharin', DMP

Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin double the noise

On them I will never stop talking. Represented much to my childhood, I say, to the childhood of many people. The Jerry Lewis movies and Dean Martin, were remarkable.The art of making smile was their office. So it is only fair that in tone and gratitude write about man who cheered and did much to laugh many children and adults in the 70's and 80's Jerry Lewis actually Joseph Levitch (Newark, March 16, 1926) is a comedian, screenwriter, producer, American director and singer.

He became famous for his comedies slapstick style made on stage, film, radio and TV programs and in their music. Perhaps what few people know is that Lewis is also known for its annual charity program, the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon, with the goal of helping children with muscular dystrophy. Lewis won several honorary awards including the American Comedy Awards, The Golden Camera, Los Angeles Film Critics Association and the Venice Film Festival, and has two stars on the Walk of Fame. In 2005, he received the Governors Award from the Academy of Arts and Sciences television.

In February 2009, Jerry Lewis received the Arts and Sciences Academy Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, the Oscar humanitarian. Lewis was also credited as inventor of the video assist system in order to have more visibility as an actor and director at the same time while recording a movie (some people still doubt that today).   Lewis also partnered with singer and actor Dean Martin in 1946, forming the duo Martin and Lewis. In addition to having been successful in venues, the duo also charted making films for Paramount.The two separated ten years later.

About the Partnership Jerry Lewis and Dean

Jerry Lewis e Dean Martin

Every partnership or corporation is equal to a wedding, the honeymoon begins and as is the relationship may end in a contested divorce.Well, that's life. and so too was the partnership of Lewis and Dean. Even in the 40's they started a series of movies in which the plot almost always the duo involved in confusion. Dean was just right and Lewis fumbling. successful formula.

But already in the 50's, due to issues of characters and its prominence, and Dean had its importance diminished in the double. This led to the remote and finally the breakup of the partnership.
Both continued in solo career, with success. But never spoke in act together again. A pity. After separation of the duo, Lewis continued at Paramount and became a top artist with his first solo film, The Delicate Delinquent (Delicate Delinquent) 1957.

In 1966, Lewis, 40, saw his career decline slowly with his films of little box. Thus, Lewis ended his contract with Paramount and signed with Columbia Pictures, where he went on to make a few more films. Lewis was a professor of management at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles for many years, and students like Steven Spielberg and George Lucas.

As for Dean Martin, and he has three stars on the "Walk of Fame", one (6519 Hollywood Boulevard) for his work in film, the second (1817 Vine) for their recordings, and the third (6651 Hollywood Boulevard) for his work on television. Unfortunately died from a lung cancer in 1995 christmas, aged 78. It has a great historical films and songs that are available to humanity.

Phew! I loved making this trip to the 70s and 80s when I was a child and saw on TV these two engaging in hilarious situations. It was a privilege. Hugs to all.

Jerry Lewis e Dean Martin

Jerry Lewis e Dean Martin dupla do barulho

Sobre eles eu nunca ira deixar de falar. Representaram muito para minha infância, digo, para a infância de muitas pessoas. Os filmes de Jerry Lewis e Dean Martin, foram marcantes. A arte de fazer sorrir era o ofício deles. Então nada mais justo que em tom e gratidão escrever sobre homem que alegrou e fez rir muito muitas crianças e adultos nos anos 70 e 80. Jerry Lewis, na verdade, Joseph Levitch (Newark, 16 de março de 1926), é um comediante, roteirista, produtor, diretor e cantor norte-americano.

Tornou-se famoso por suas comédias estilo pastelão feita nos palcos, filmes, programas de rádio e TV e em suas músicas. O que talvez poucas pessoas sabem é que Lewis também é conhecido por seu programa beneficente anual, o Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon, com o objetivo de ajudar crianças com distrofia muscular. Lewis ganhou vários prêmios honorários incluindo os do American Comedy Awards, The Golden Camera, Los Angeles Film Critics Association e do Festival de Venice, além de ter duas estrelas na Calçada da Fama. Em 2005, recebeu o Governors Award da Academia de Artes e Ciências Televisivas.

Em fevereiro de 2009, Jerry Lewis recebeu da Academia de Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas o Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, o Oscar Humanitário. Lewis também foi creditado como inventor do video assist system, com o objetivo de ter mais visibilidade como ator e diretor ao mesmo tempo durante uma gravação de um filme (algumas pessoas ainda duvidam disso até hoje). Lewis também fez parceria com o cantor e ator Dean Martin em 1946, formando a dupla Martin e Lewis. Além de terem feito sucesso em casas de shows, a dupla também emplacou fazendo filmes para a Paramount. Os dois se separaram dez anos depois.

Sobre a Parceria de Jerry Lewis e Dean
Jerry Lewis e Dean MartinToda parceria ou sociedade é igual a um casamento, começa no lua de mel e conforme for a relação pode terminar num divórcio litigioso. Bem, assim é a vida. e assim também foi a parceria de Lewis e Dean. Ainda na década de 40 eles  iniciaram uma série de filmes em que o enredo quase sempre a dupla se envolvia em confusões. Dean era o certinho e Lewis o atrapalhado. formula de sucesso.

Mas já na década de 50, devido a questões de personagens e seu destaque, sendo que Dean teve sua importância diminuída na dupla. Isso levou ao afastamento e por fim a dissolução da parceria.

Ambos continuaram na carreira solo, tendo sucesso. Mas nunca mais falaram em atuarem juntos novamente. Uma pena. Depois da separação da dupla, Lewis continuou na Paramount e se tornou um artista top com o seu primeiro filme solo, The Delicate Delinquent  (O delinquente delicado) de 1957.

Em 1966, Lewis, com 40 anos, viu sua carreira declinar aos poucos com seus filmes de pouca bilheteria. Com isso, Lewis terminou o seu contrato com a Paramount e assinou com a Columbia Pictures, onde passou a fazer mais alguns filmes. Lewis foi professor de direção na University of Southern California, em Los Angeles, por muitos anos, tendo alunos como Steven Spielberg e George Lucas.

Quanto a Dean Martin, bem ele possui três estrelas na “calçada da fama”, uma (6519 Hollywood Boulevard) por seu trabalho no cinema, a segunda (1817 Vine) por suas gravações, e a terceira (6651 Hollywood Boulevard) por seu trabalho na televisão. Infelizmente morreu em decorrência a um câncer de pulmão no natal de 1995, aos 78 anos. Ele tem um grande histórico de filmes e canções que estão a disposição da humanidade.

Ufa! adorei fazer essa viagem aos anos 70  e 80 em que eu era uma criança e via na TV estes dois se envolvendo em hilárias situações. Foi um privilégio. Abraços a todos.

Jerry Lewis e Dean Martin


  1. Great to see, once again, how far & wide the reach of our Dino TRULY is!

  2. Hey pallie, likes so so true Danny-o....devotion to our Dino is truly truly universal in scope! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. It really is amazing that so many people still remember and follow DM to this very day. It shows you what an incredible entertainer and person he was.

    Thank you for bringing this gem our way.

    Have a great upcoming weekend.


  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, our mission here at ilovedinomartin is to keeps the Dino-light glowin' ever Dino-bright and bring more and more pallies into the Dino-fold. We thanks you for your constant encouragement of our Dino-mission! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
