Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Casino Claims Right Dean Martin's Image

Hey pallies, likes we just never ever know when we opens our email 'count likes what the good ol' pallies at google Dino-'lerts are goin' to send our way.  Today we hear from a Mr. Mike Heuer who has scribed the report "Casino Claims Right Dean Martin's Image." for the 'net pad "Courthouse News Service."

As you may gather from the title of the Dino-prose and the tag of the internet site, our most beloved Dino has found his way 'gain into the court system over a dispute of the use of his image in a casino's carpet.  Likes we don't wanna tells all the details, 'cause likes you can read 'em for yourselves below.
Likes we certainly woulda be interested in hearin' from some of youse Dino-holics what youse thinks and feels 'bout this matter.

We sez our thanks to Mr. Mike Heuer for puttin' pen to paper to shares this latest Dino-patter with you.  We will be interestin' in hearin' further news 'bout the outcome of this lawsuit and counter suit, but one thing is for sure pallies....our Dino is gettin' more and more attention and that of course is the best Dino-news of all!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks  here.   Dino-reportin', DMP

Casino Claims Right Dean Martin's Image

     LAS VEGAS (CN) - The owner of the former Sahara Hotel and Casino wants court affirmation that it can use a large image of Dean Martin on the casino's carpet.
     Now known as the SLS Hotel & Casino and owned by Stockbridge/SBE Holdings, the remodeled casino has a larger-than-life image of Dean Martin and other celebrities in the carpet of its lobby.
     The Sahara opened in 1952 and has "great cultural significance" to Las Vegas and its history, Stockbridge says in the Jan. 23 lawsuit in Clark County Court.
     Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and others performed at the hotel, and "Dean Martin also frequented the casino" and "performed at the Sahara ... as part of the 'Rat Pack,'" according to the complaint.
     Stockbridge claims that appearances by the Rat Pack "have cultural and historical significance" and that the hotels and casinos that hosted them are known as "'Rat Pack' hotel-casinos." It claims the Sahara was one of the last Rat Pack hotel-casinos when it closed in 2011.
     When the property reopened as the SLS in 2014, Stockbridge says, it installed carpets featuring images "reminiscent of the Sahara's past."
     The SLS claims it uses Martin's image strictly for decoration and not in products, merchandise or goods or for advertising or other commercial purposes.
     On Dec. 4, 2014, Stockbridge says, it received a letter from Joel Smith, trustee for the Dean Martin Family Trust, saying the image infringed upon Dean Martin's right of publicity, which now is owned by the trust.
     The casino responded by saying the "singular use of a photograph in the carpeting for décor celebrating a part of the Sahara's and Las Vegas' history does not infringe Dean Martin's right of publicity" and is not a commercial use.
     Smith disagreed, and demanded $50,000 for a license fee and threatened to sue the casino if it did not pay the license fee or remove the image.
     So the casino sued Smith and the Dean Martin Family Trust. It seeks declaratory judgment that its use of Dean Martin's image does not infringe upon Martin's right of publicity. It also seeks attorney's fees and costs.
     It is represented by Michael J. McCue, with Lewis Roca & Rothgerber.
     Dean Martin was a popular singer, actor and television star. He had many hit records, including "Everybody Loves Somebody," and teamed with comedian Jerry Lewis in several hit comedies. He died in 1995.  


  1. C'mon people! Dean's image SHOULD be ALL OVER "Vegas"! The Trust isn't bein' too cool here, in my humble opinion. Guess it's all 'bout "the green", pals. Don't thinks Dean would approve.

  2. This is a very interesting read - i look forward to finding out the end result of this. Thank you for bringing this our way!

    Have a great week.


  3. Hey pallie, thanks Danny-o for sharin' your thoughts on this...time will tell how this all turns out. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty we will try to keep the ilovedinomartin readership up to date on how this progresses. Thanks for takin' the time to show some appreciato...much appreciated dude! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  5. I'd love to have a carpet with our Dino's image on it! I'd pay big bucks for that!

  6. I say, "Pay the license fee." I'm sure that having that carpet would have a positive effect on the casino's business trade.

  7. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, we loves anythin' with our Dino's image on it!
    Thanks for chimin' in with your Dino-thoughts on the suit. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
