Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dean Martin sings a commercial for a Skokie Illinois Pontiac Dealer

Hey pallies, likes we just gots on the 'net for this here day and likes we founds an excitin' epistle from our hippest of hip Dino-bro Danny-o who had uncovered this rarest of rare audio commerical from none other then our most most beloved Dino.  Likes we knew that our great man's croons have been used as background music for simply a ton of vid adverts, but likes we never ever knew that our Dino actually created a personal commercial for a private business.

But likes  courtesy of our Danny-o's superb searchin' of Dino-treasure we finds below a commercial that our Dino did for a local car dealership in Skokie Ill......Peter Epsteen Pontiac.  Usin' our Dino's classic croon "Ain't That A Kick In The Head" Dino personalized the hit to accent Epsteen's venue.
Now, likes ain't that the hugest of huge kick in the head dudes....our King of Cool promotin' a local car dealer....likes we woulda totally totally digs gettin' the back story on how this all came 'bout!

We sends out our hugest of hugest shout of Dino-approval to pallie Danny-o who each and every Sunday gives us his special "Sunday Serenade With Dino" right here at ilovedinomartin.  Danny-o, likes don't know how you found this Dino-gem....likes youse certainly musta been likes totally totally Dino-directed, but we are thrilled with bein' able to shares it with all us Dino-philes gathered 'round our waterin' hole devoted only to our most beloved Dino!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  In  Dino-rapture, DMP

p.s. Dids our best to try and share the very very special Dino-lyrics below...likes if any of you pallies catch any mis-steps in the words, just lets us know!

Dean Martin sings a commercial for a Skokie Illinois Pontiac Dealer

Now a word from our sponsor, Pete Epsteen Pontiac......

Take one for Pete Epsteen's "Kick In The Head"
Pontiac has got what the others lack.
Pete Epsteen just said this car's a kick in the head.
There go for that wide track,
No wonder it leads the pack.
Pete Epsteen said quote, "This car's a hole in the boat."
No car rides sweeter,
You'll find your pleasure's completer,
You'll say the moment you greet her,
This car beau-ti-ful.
You better come get one mac.
Get rid of that feat of hack.
Yes, indeed you need that  Epsteen Pontiac.


  1. A real treasure from the past! What a great find and thank you for bringing this our way! It is a catch little song by the way.

    Have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes good ol' Scotty dude....we can always count on your faithfulness not only to our Dino, but to patterin' at ilovedinomartin. Know that your takin' the time to comment is mucho appreciatoed! Indeed, this truly is catchy little song...and a great find on our Danny-o's part. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
