Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dean Martin: 1-phrase-description

Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that we likes totally totally digs the tag of the blog that today's bit of Dino-brightness comes through...."SLICK MAN'S LOUNGE."  If anyone ever qualified to be shared on the pages of this cyper space space, it certainly woulda be our most beloved Dino 'cause in our book he is the slickest of the slick!

From a dude tagged  "foxxo don león' we gets what we thinks is an uniquely new way of homagin' our King of Cool....usin' the creative writin' format of the "1-phrase-description."  As you read the postin' below, you will note the particular powerful characteristics of our Dino that "foxxo don león" has chosen to accent....attributes that he believes are, in his words "a must for the slick man!"

These thoughts have put us to wonderin' what aspects of our Dino that we woulda...that youse woulda wanna include in a "1-phrase-description."  We are gonna ruminate on this a bit and ponder our Dino-thoughts on this, and likes we encourage youse to do the very Dino-same!  We are hopin' that some of youse Dino-philes mighta shares your descriptions with all the pallies gathered 'round the ilovedinomartin waterin' hole!

The endin' of this particular post leaves us to wonderin' how and when "this post will be completed soon."  We will be waitin' with baited breath for more words of Dino-description from "foxxo don león."  We salute them for their current efforts and are eager to receive more Dino-edification from 'em soon!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.
Dino-describin', DMP

Dean Martin

1-phrase-description:western movie actor, entertainer, singer  – the king of cool – impresses with funny lyrics, unbeatable in style, joyful and harmonic – a must for the slick man!
-this post will be completed soon-

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