Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Scotty's Sharin': Dean Martin Relaxed 1958

My Photo

Hey pallies, likes our Dino-adulatin' pallie Scotty from the beau-ti-ful blog "BlueisKewl" is back at it dudes with a quintessential quintet of perfectly powerful poses of our most most beloved Dino.  Scotty has tagged his newest Dino-finds " Dean Martin Relaxed 1958," which tells us that all these great great pix of our great great man musta been snapped  in 1958.

Likes we know that a couple of these candids have never ever been viewed by us before....numero duo...our Dino lovin'ly  foolin' 'round with one of his boypallies....can any of youse Dino-holics tells us whether it is Dino Jr. or Ricci?  And, also the third pix of our Dino and  Jeanne makin' the clubbin' scene together.

How absolutely fabulous is it to have a perfect pallie likes our Scotty simply always always on the outlook for more and more Dino-photographic treasures to share.  We so so appreciate all of our swank  Scotty's efforts to bring his readership into a deeper knowin', lovin', and honorin' of our King of Cool.  Salute Scotty!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.
Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Dean Martin Relaxed 1958


  1. Thank you so much for your kind words and i am glad to find a few more pieces of the Dino puzzle to light.

    Thank you so much for your continued hard work to keeping the Dino Light bright and vivid.

    Have a safe and happy week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, we loves how you sez, " i am glad to find a few more pieces of the Dino puzzle to light." That's the wonderful thin' 'bout our Dino is that there will also be more of the puzzle to uncover! Keeps lovin', keeps searchin' and sharin' more pieces of the Dino puzzle!

  3. What a Dino-blast from the past! Thanks for finding this, DMP.

  4. Great stuff Scott! Thanks for sharin' these cool cool pics! Great find!

  5. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, thanks for the appreciato ma'am, but first, all the thanks goes to our Dino 'cause without his comin' to earth we woulda never have these amazin' pixs to groove on. Second, our thanks goes to our ever growin' Dino-addicted pallie Scotty over at "BlueisKewl" for doin' the work of uncoverin' this glorious golden Dino-treasure. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
