Thursday, October 09, 2014

I called him Paul, and he called me Preacher.

 Hey pallies, likes day in, day out, we tries to do our best to give example after example of how our most beloved Dino is continuin' to impact lives daily nearly 20 years after he has departed our planet.
Indeed, the life, the times, and the teachin's of our Dino are more pertinent and potent as each day goes by.  Some days our Dino-postin's are most extraordinary and some days more ordinary.  But, likes whether extra extraordinary or not, daily we keeps showin' the immeasurable impact that our King of Cool keeps makin' in the world as we knows it.

Today we consider the Dino-treasure we are purely, profoundly privileged to share is of the extra, extra extraordinary sort.  We takes all youse Dino-holics to the online presence of  "The Press Enterprise," of Riverside, Cali where staff writer Mr. Fielding Buck has scribed an interview with our most beloved Dino's most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis.  The occasion for said Q 'n A is the upcomin' appearance of Mr. Lewis this  "Saturday, Oct. 11, at the Fox Performing Arts Center in Riverside."

The tag of the interview is "RIVERSIDE: Six questions for Jerry Lewis," and as one might expect a couple of the quires relate to our Dino.  We have chosen to accent the question that is directly Dino-centered, and likes of course, as usual, to read the prose in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

Mr. Buck inquires of Mr. Lewis, "What do you remember most about Dean Martin?"  Mr. Lewis in fewer then five dozen words professes his on-goin' love for his partner...the daily continuin' impact that our Dino has on his life.  Mr. Lewis' remarks are pure pure poetry laudin' our King of Cool in the most wonderful way.

We are most magnificantly moved by Mr. Lewis statin'  "There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of my partner.'   After almost six decades since the partnership broke up, Mr. Lewis continues to reverently remember their remarkable relationship.....a superb sign of the transformin' power of our Dino!

ilovedinomartin thanks Mr. Fielding Buck and all the folks at "The Press Enterprise" for gettin' this interview with Mr. Jerry Lewis into print.  And, we salute Mr. Lewis for so graciously speakin' 'bout
his partner.  Deeply deeply Dino-moved, DMP

RIVERSIDE: Six questions for Jerry Lewis

Comedy legend Jerry Lewis will tell his story Saturday, Oct. 11, at the Fox Performing Arts Center in Riverside


Q. What do you remember most about Dean Martin?

A. My partner (smiles). Funniest man … impeccable timing. When we worked together onstage, we were like one person. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of my partner. I called him Paul, and he called me Preacher. After Frank (Sinatra) got us together on the Telethon, we got to be friends again until the end of his life.


  1. What a heart felt friendship Dino and Jerry had. I am sure many people would love to be at the Fox Performing Arts Center to hear Jerry Lewis tell his story!

    Thank you for bringing this Dino gem our way.

    Have a safe and happy week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, indeed our Dino and Mr. Lewis, as you say, had " a heart felt friendship." No one that we know of ever got as close to our Dino as his beloved partner. Thanks for your appreciato of all thin's Dino and our humble little Dino-pad! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Truly movin'. I have MUCH respect for Jerry. Always lifts up the name of our pal.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o per usual, we's are in likes absolute, total 'greement with your Dino-thoughts. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
